Front squat to bodyweight ratio


New member
I have been trying out front squat for my main squat movement, since I have been focusing to learn the techniques in Snatch and C&J.
At a bodyweight of 74 kg I have a 1RM of 103 kg front squat (don´t test 1RM often, so could be different now)

Does anybody know are a good ratio between bodyweight and front squat?
@micah111 Thanks

So my front squat are clearly worse compared to my back squat skill level, which isn’t that weird, since I never really specialized on it.

My deadlift skill level is also superior to my squat, which could also by a factor to the difference in back to front squat ratio (Stronger posterior chain)
@dawn16 1:3 ratio refers to = 1 kg bodyweight:3 kg front squat.
So If that is the ratio, at a bodyweight of 74 kg I should have a 225 kg front squat 1RM?
Compared to the strength standards I should then have to be beyond world class (192kg)

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