The most comprehensive front lever tutorial

@pixelmonster So you would recommend it?

I'm looking to pick a skill to focus on and my big question is how to add other exercises to make a rounded routine and avoid the risk of over use injuries. I would love to hear more about how you programmed this.

@faerin87 For me the key takeaways from the tutorial was Chapter 4 in the video (how to do skill work) and the importance of bent arm strength so I would recommend it just for that. I didn't follow the program he described in chapter 5 as-is since I had my existing routine and goals that I didn't want to modify. Here's what I did:

I basically added 3 sets of row work for horizontal pull to my usual pull days (started from bodyweight rows to tuck front lever rows like the tutorial suggested) and focused on pulling like he described at the end of chapter 4. Personally, I felt rows in general were much more low impact than the other exercises I was doing so I wasn't too concerned about the additional volume.

I only did the skill work (practising the actual front lever holds progressively) once a week where I did no other exercises that day so that I felt I was giving my all.

While I was working on the FL I also came across another video which showed a correlation between weighted pullups and ability to do a front lever. And since I was already doing weighted pullups for vertical pull during this time, I focused on getting better at it. And anecdotally I think it helped a lot since the gains I was seeing with the weighted pulls were coming hand in hand with progressing through the FL progressions.

I hope this helps.
@lovinggodlovingpeople Thank you so much! It's great to have you back. Your passion and wisdom are very welcome here!

For the programming of the skill work: do you think it's really necessary to have 3-4 workouts per week. Is twice enough?

Right now I'm cycling 4 different workouts every 5 days : push (hspu) /pull (front lever) / SA HS press /side splits. Do you think highly specific strength skill work like front lever needs more attention than that?

Again, thank you!
@chromechris Thank you for your kind words!!

I don't think 3-4 workouts are necessary, but I have found that high frequency really helps. Which is why I reduced the volume per day, so that the frequency can be heightened.

You could theoretically do it in 2 days, and do about 1.5x the volume of what I prescribe for the 3 day skill work :).

What kind of cycle are you doing? Skill cycle? Hypertrophy? Let me know so I can help :)
@lovinggodlovingpeople Last year was mostly weighted calisthenics and press HS.
  • This year I really want to keep training the press to work up to a L-sit press and Stalder. This works well every 5 days.
  • Working the side splits seems to work as well training it every 5 days. I do some leg work supersetting the MS.
  • The hspu work (also every 5 days) is pretty basic: low rep freestanding ROM and eccentrics and moderate rep pike push ups. I also do low rep tuck planch push ups or low-mid reps deficit PPPU to get a bent arm planche.
  • And then your front lever program, with a bit more volume per workout and less frequency.
The reason for the 5 day cycle: I'm a 37 y/o father of three younger than 4 (twins :) ), so I can't train everyday (apart from some HS balancing), and I've noticed it keeps me progressing and fresh and motivated for every workout.

@lovinggodlovingpeople oh, I think a misunderstanding has taken place :) Every workout has it's own day. I don't think it would be that efficient If I would cram all this in a single workout.



Wednesday: Press HS

Thursday: Front lever

Saturday: Press HS

Sunday: HSPU


Wednesday: Front lever

Thursday: HSPU

Saturday: Press HS

Sunday: Front Lever

and so on :)

Every workout is done on avarage every 5 days (sometimes 4, sometimes 6 days).
@chromechris Ohh now I understand. Mhmm that makes it a little big difficult. I think you could efficiently superset your push with pull. I used to do this when I was extremely busy in my student years. By pairing pull with push, you require less rest and are able to do more volume work in a shorter span of time.

For you I'd do this:


Wednesday: Press HS / FL

Thursday: HSPU / A pull goal (or just FL)

Saturday: Press HS / FL

Sunday: HSPU / FL

If this really isn't an option, you can try doing what you suggested and see if you make gains.
@lovinggodlovingpeople In the middle of watching this and just gotta say - this is incredible! The amount of time and effort that must've gone into everything is awesome, and it looks super professional as a result. Very helpful too!
@lovinggodlovingpeople Awesome Yaad thanks for sharing. I’ve been following your content for years and you always have a great approach to breaking down movements and providing an approach to get the full movement. This is what I’ve come to expect.