The most comprehensive front lever tutorial

@lovinggodlovingpeople Hi Yaad, I noticed in the YouTube comments you said that 90 degrees front lever rows should be considered full ROM, as the lats, long head of triceps, teres major and minor can't help that much, and the rear delts would be the only muscle that could contribute to going any further. From a previous post from @jermyn I thought it would've been possible, so this came as a surprise.

If hands to the hips ROM is dependent on the rear delts, does that mean that it actually is possible, at the expense of changing the target muscles to rear delts, or is it not actually possible to achieve? I mainly want to reach it for aesthetic reasons tbh, so I know it'll probably work out either way.

Thanks for the tutorial, you always come out with the best stuff, and I can't believe I never thought about the front lever lean, thats a game-changer. Hope to see some more good stuff from you in the future.
@benito7 It’s definitely possible, I’ve held the top ROM without false grip multiple times. You can see it in my instagram videos if you look. But I also have ridiculously big rear delts from the 12 years of training I’ve done! I think the suggestions that Mindfull Mover makes, are great. I might cover this in a future video. For now, I want to cover a few more non-niche calisthenics exercises before I start making videos like these :)
@benito7 /@lovinggodlovingpeople actually is able to touch his hips to the bar and STICK to them. Looks like some sort of magnet when he does it. It's amazing. 😂💪

But it's REALLY REALLY hard. I can reach that full ROM on other lighter variations like in a Straddle. It requires me to be kind of explosive on the pull. In a full, it requires me to be explosive, fresh, and maybe a slight breeze that is gently pushing me upward.

I think most people will have a hard time reaching that height on EVERY single rep though and if you get SUPER strict and say "hips to bar or ZERO reps", then you will probably not be able to get as much volume in. So saying something like "go as high as you can go but 90 is still acceptable" makes sense for the sake of making sure you get some actual volume in on this movement. I usually do something like that in my training. My first ones will reach the bar but then I'll start to not get as high. Once I can't reach 90, the set terminates.
Somewhat off-topic but I'm just wondering, what constitutes self-promotion on this sub?

Yaad asked and got permission.

Generally, people posting their own content is fine according to the rules, but they must regularly help others and do so in an approved manner.

/@riverroo if you see someone linking their stuff all the time without following the guidelines let the mods know so we can warn them
@lovinggodlovingpeople Thanks for all the work you've put into this! I've been doing bodyweight training for three years. I've watched all the videos detailing all the progressions and I still do not understand the movement I need to achieve even an advanced tuck lever. I can do 5 full Dragon Flags, 12 stomach to wall HSPU's and 15 tucked front lever rows on rings. I think I'm strong enough but I just don't understand what movements I need to focus on to do this. I've used a band on the rings to simulate the front lever but it feels like my legs weigh 200 pounds.
@lovinggodlovingpeople I’m a bit confused as to the programming.

Are the four work outs in a week, or thereabouts? As in Workout 1 (skill 1) is Monday, workout 2 (hypertrophy 1) is Wednesday and so on?

And in each skill workout there are 4 boxes (support static, unsupport, bent arm etc). So that means that (following the orange sheet) on a Monday, for example, my workout will be two sets of supported statics, two sets of unsuppprted statics, one set of each dynamic, and then Wednesday it’s the two hypertrophy exercises?

Is there any way to fit something like this around the RR? Say doing some skill work before venturing into the RR?

Otherwise: awesome.
@lovinggodlovingpeople I am starting with your program but dont know all the excersise you Mention. For the skill training i mean. I searched google but cant find it there Either. Must be me i am sure but can you help with that?
@lovinggodlovingpeople Late reply, but had a quick question on this after watching the video, which is awesome and very informative!

Currently started the hypertrophy cycle, doing Workout 1 and 2 together on my Upper day. For Skill 1, Bent Arm Dynamic, I'm doing tuck FL rows. But for Hypertrophy 1, should I be doing the same tuck FL rows for the horizontal pull also? Since that's where I'm at with the progression? Or should I drop down to something like weighted horizontal ring rows to get more volume in?
@lovinggodlovingpeople Hi Yaad!

I have a couple questions about your amazing tutorials...
  1. when is it ideal to switch from hypertrophy vs skill cycle? i've only focused on hypertrophy, and i'll admit my skill volume is a bit higher than yours...almost like i combine the skill-hypertrophy into one. do you keep running hypertrophy cycles until you have the necessary muscle mass/strength to do a full front lever, or is it important to take breaks from the hypertrophy and focus on skill? am i risking overtraining by doing 9 unassisted + 9 assisted front levers, and 90-100 pull ups a week? that's about 3x the volume in the skill dept compared to your program. i worry if i don't do as many pullups/rows i will not progress if i'm not big/strong enough
  2. why is the volume less for front lever vs hspu program? i've used your amazind hspu program for a while now and i've progressed better than ever. currently battling to get a consistent frogstand-hs. i noticed overall the hspu program has more volume vs the front lever and was curious why? for example, hspu has pike pushups 3x week (4 sets) vs front lever pullups 2x week (4 sets). also, the skill set attempts for front lever vs hspu are somewhat larger volume in the hspu routine as well.
  3. would planche programming be more like the hspu or front lever tutorial in terms of volume? i know there is some overlap in the hspu/planche, but would adding pppu, slides, planche attempts be more in line with the front lever or hspu programs?
Thanks Yaad!