Gains possible over 50?

@janeevans89 I have pain in the elbow as well. I’m pretty sure it is from the EZ bar curling. I am doing some rehab exercises and the pain has gone down in the last 9 mos. The thing to remember is that the culprit is often the adjacent joint. One of your comments mentioned a shoulder issue. If your shoulders are weak due to an injury, your elbow may be compensating. It could also arise from your not keeping your wrist neutral on curls and pulling movements. But you’re right. It’s just one pain after another in your 50s. I consider just getting to the gym a minor victory.
I consider just getting to the gym a minor victory

That is so true and important to keep in mind.

The shoulder issue is from something I did while I was sleeping. I woke up one morning and I had been given the gift of shoulder pain over night. Who the hell knows.

I'm right handed and all my irritations are in my right arm so it could just be the wear and tear of life. It's not debilitating but I can't do "max" benching as shoulder pain will be the limiting factor. I incline bench 115lbs for 3 sets of 20 reps fairly pain free but I can't throw 200 pounds on the bar and push that up even though I should be able to.
  1. Been training/lifting for almost 18 years now. I train 4-5 days per week, still progressive loading, BUT I listen more to my body and adjust my training and rest days as needed to minimize injury (recovery over 50 takes much longer and sucks ass).
Made significant changes to my nutrition over the years (when competing, I ate between 4000-5500 cals at various times). I eat nowhere near that amount now and eat less red meat than I did. Most carbs are veggies and fruit (fresh, not frozen), and my protein sources are fish, chicken, turkey, and plant-basd. No more desserts and sugary delights for me. My focus remains lean muscle and low body fat (for asthetics and function). My cardio could be better and has become a greater focus recently.

Most people believe I am in my early 40s, so the plan seems to be working. My 22 year old struggles to keep pace in the gym, and I hope it stays that way, lol.

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