Gamma Bomb Review


New member
After tearing my shoulder in my last college lacrosse game, I figured I’d run a bodybuilding program to give my shoulder time to heal more (less benching, more db work) as I usually train for powerlifting.

Weeks 1-6 Back Focused

These weeks I definitely gained some size. Around week 6 my shoulder began to get better, but I sadly was into the leg focused block and couldn’t really do much about it.

Week 7-8 deload

I took 1 week for a deload and honestly didn’t need it. Felt good to take some volume off, but I was already recovering well and probably could’ve went straight into the leg focused block

Week 9-14 Leg Focused

This is where it got interesting. A few lifestyle changes happened. I went from:
  • a active job to a sedentary 40 hour office work week
  • began playing lacrosse again 2x/week
  • nutrition was off as well as sleep (I’m usually 8-9 hours of sleep, and I was around 6.5-7/night)
The first 3 weeks I felt great and I was progressing on lifts a good amount. Then week 12 happened….

Week 12 is where it went down the hill. I was following the training program to a tea, and I just was simply not recovering. My lifts were tanking, and I had to substitute some workouts. I should have taken a deload now looking back, but I continued to push.

By week 14, which is the last week of the program, I was physically and mentally drained. I took the workouts and cut them in half some days, doing 1/2 the back and chest workout together instead of doing each body part straight up.

Overall, this program is rough. I gained a lot of knowledge and some size that’s most noticeable in my back and hamstrings. I really wouldn’t recommend running it unless these three things happen first:

A) you’re able to recover properly
B) you’re okay with lifting in the 10-15 range even on some compounds
C) you’re used to high volume

Next steps: I’ll probably go back to powerlifting style training. I’ve been curious about JN Powerbuilding 1.0-3.0 if anyone has ran them and has opinions. Thanks!
@dlwscrappy Problem with johns programmes is he has enhanced athletes in mind when writing them. Often way too much volume and intensity techniques used too frequently. Defo fun and challenging tho!
@dlwscrappy I’ve run quite a few meadows programs myself. Programs 1-6 to be specific, only 4 days a week bro split style. But hit a similar wall like yourself. Would get to about week 8 and then lifts would start to regress and sessions would be come mentally draining just due to the volume ramping nature of his programs. (Probably didn’t help I was taking all the sets to failure). Absolutely love the style of training just hate how you’re unable to truly track progression from a quantitative perspective. Been getting the itch to dive back into this style of training, but as you stated recovery and lifestyle needs to be on point to make this training work.
@dlwscrappy Currently in Week 6 of Gamma Bomb. Loving it. Chest and back have definitely grown. This is my 6th straight Mountain Dog program. I’ve been running them since April last year and I don’t know if I’ll ever switch off this style of training. I haven’t needed to deload or anything a single time thus far, even after his 28 Days Later program. John’s really a programming wizard!
@grace2018 I guess to update you on this. Ran Powerbuilding 1, grandmaster, and project colossus since then. On week 2 of creeping death and have been loving it as well!
@dlwscrappy Glad to hear it! I think following John’s peri workout nutrition recommendations definitely help with recovery. Creeping Death II was the first one I ran, hope you see awesome results from it!
@dlwscrappy Thanks for posting this. I just finished the program's first week and am really enjoying it. I have a question about work sets. Do you keep the work sets at the same weight unless specified differently? It's obvious when to ramp up the weight, but I'm unsure about some movements if it just says "3 work sets" and does not specify.
@unperfectt My weights on work sets are gonna vary a ton. My usual working set finder is just ramping up to a set of about 3-4 reps shy of the rep range for the working sets, and usually staying there for the work sets.

During the beginning of the program I was able to progress on most of the lifts weekly that repeated. During the back half of the leg volume increase, my squats especially when down in weight with the increase of volume.

Make sure you’re taking recovery seriously while running this man. Your body will take a toll. I’m running Jeff Nippard 1.0 PB rn and it’s so obvious how overtrained I was. Let me know how you progress man!
@dlwscrappy Awesome - thanks for the response. I’ve been training CrossFit and Weightlifting for the last five years, so this is one of the first bodybuilding splits I’ve run in a long time. I’ll let you know how it goes!
@dlwscrappy Currently running this but don't always have weekends free for a workout. What would be the harm in altering the plan so that it's:

Monday: Back, abs & calves (as prescribed)

Tuesday: Chest & shoulders (as prescribed)

Wednesday: Legs (as prescribed)

Thursday: Back, biceps & abs (split)

Friday: Chest, shoulders & calves (split)

I don't see the point in having an arm-only day and then having to rest a day before hitting upper... What am I missing?

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