Getting a gym membership today and I’m already anxious and embarrassed

@hashim There was a lady at the gym I used to go to who would go on the treadmill, crank the incline up as high as it would go and walk fairly slowly (all totally normal, uninteresting), but hold on to the screen part of the treadmill and aggressively pull her body back and forth. I'm assuming she felt like this would add an arm workout to her walking, but the screen was constantly wiggling as if it were going to break. I really wished someone on the staff would tell her to stop, mostly because she seemed like she might break the treadmill, but also a little because it was loud, distracting, and probably not an effective arm exercise anyway.

Basically, you have to be doing something ridiculous for people to even notice you.
@hashim 100% this. I have seen such wildly ridiculous things that someone hesitating at a machine and taking an extra 5 mins to ask a questions just doesn't even register on my odd-radar.

OP anyone who tries to shame you for being at the gym, they are actively looking for someone to bully as there are enough people doing crazy shit on their own that you won't stand out.
@joanie59 I'm sorry to hear you have had a bad experience at a gym before -it's horrible and a good gym should take care of the general atmosphere too. My gym offers single introductory classes for beginners. They reserve some equipment and a trainer shows a small group how to use the machines safely. If your gym offers something similar, it could take off some stress. In a best-case scenario, the new people in the classes can become gym buddies. When I started going to the gym, I bought single tickets to check out the atmosphere, how the staff answers questions and see the equipment before committing to a membership. You are the customer and you don't need to spend a second in a place where you aren't treated with respect!
@joanie59 Going to the gym is about your personal relationship with your body. Everyone else is there for the same reason. No one will really be looking at you and laughing and there’s nothing wrong with asking staff for help with machines. I know it’s scary when you start but you need to get over that fear to get over the fear of your fitness journey. Change is scary but if it’s what you want then it’s worth it 👍🏻
@joanie59 It helps to remember that we were all new once and that people don't think about us half as much as we think they do.

I would suggest popping to the desk and saying something like 'hello, I'd like to sign up for membership and was wondering if someone could please give me a short induction as it's been a while since I've used the gym.'

Most gym staff are incredibly helpful and not knowing how to use the machines is nothing to be embarrassed about. For safety reasons, if you say you're new, they'll likely offer to give you a tour and a brief demo of the machines, anyway.

Good luck, be proud of yourself for taking the first steps! It'll get easier as you go on.
@joanie59 I have never met anyone at the gym who is condescending. It would be bad for business. I think we are often harder on ourselves than other people are, but we project that on to others.

If you are worried, you might find a women's only gym preferable. Or one with a women's only section.
@joanie59 To add to this - I never judge anyone at the gym because we were all new once AND you never know what is going on with people. I had surgery (not visible to others) and my road back to the gym was super slow. I’m now pregnant and that makes me tired (even before I was visibly pregnant).

You should follow any rules they have especially about covid and putting weights and equipment back how you found them or better - and then just do your thing!!
@larrygeraty Right! People who do this don’t even know what they’re making fun of most of the time. They used to make jokes about me for not being able to keep up with the exercises and I put myself down for so long because of that. Years later it turns out I have hashimoto’s which makes me more tired than ur average person by default, so I just needed a different approach. I never understood the judging thing. Nobody’s business really
@joanie59 That's awful! And a shitty gym to make jokes like that if they want people to actually come back.
I have a friend who has Hashimoto's! She's struggled a lot with her energy because of it too and has to be careful how much sugar she has whether it's refined or fruit sugars.
I've had to go super slow getting back to the gym due to not going for over a year due to injuries and covid.
Remember too if you're ever not sure how to use something or even need a quick refresher you should feel like you can ask a staff member for advice or help.