Getting into doing my own thing at the gym - any advice on my proposed routine?


New member
I've mostly done circuit classes and a bit of crossfit but wanting to do my own thing at the gym to target what I want (and not have to socialise as much cause cbf after work). So if anyone could give me advice on the below routine that would be amazing! Open to any criticism.

I'd like to grow my glutes which you can probably tell from the below. But I love running so much so want to keep the runs in there.

Monday - Glutes/leg day

Hip thrust

Deficit split squats - smith machine

Leg press

Dumbbell sumo squat (Dumbbell held in front)

Tuesday - Upper body

A) Lat pull downs

B) Cable rows

A) Push ups

B) Crunch machine

A) Cable tricep pull downs

B) Dumbbell bicep curls


Stair runs

Thursday - Glutes/leg day

Cable kick backs

Barbell back squats

Leg press

Barbell RDLs


Run 5-15km




Run 5-15km/stair runs
@melindap How are you going to know when to increase weight? How many sets / reps are ya gonna do?

You've got the movements you want down, but those two things I listed are the other half.
@melindap Low reps high weight for strength. Lower weight higher reps for hypertrophy or bodybuilding. Either one you want to progressively overload each time at the beginning. So if you do 3x10 you still want to make sure you are adding weight, usually like 5 lbs total not on each side, each time you do the exercise until you plateu.

Start with a weight that is like 50% of your max so you are able to add weight each time and you dont plateu for several months.

If you were to want strength you would do a program more similiar to a 5x5.

After a few months you will have a better understanding of your goals and can look for a program or refine your routine. Good luck!
@melindap A couple of weeks ago I came to a conclusion after 18 months of going to the gym for at least 6 days in a row. It aint the way for me.

Aside from the time factor, it did more harm than good to my body honestly. I would suggest you take one more rest day and also to not train legs twice a day and instead train them so hard you can't walk anymore afterwards.

My legday consist of legpress, hipthrust, that booty thingy where you push your legs apart, calve curls, leg flexors and then lying leg curls. (not english speaking so i have no clue how these things are properly called). Recovery times are a big deal, cause if you dont give your muscles the required resting times you will most likely see no improvements and even worse, going backwards.

I was benchpressing for half a year without any real improvements until it hit me that I simply bench too often. In general, working out hard for 3-4 days in the week IMO are a lot more effective than working out 6 days a week. But thats just me and my personal opinion based on experience.

I would also split up upper body into chest/tricpes and back/biceps and do a core day specifically for everything involving your stomach and rump. You also completely disregard your shoulders.

Just a few cents, no real order in this comment :D