Goal weight for 5ft 2in F?

@emmanuel2012 Am I you or are you me? Because 100% same. Looking back at photos at 110lbs- I was just skin and bones. No shape, no muscle. And it’s soooooo unsustainable for me. A toned/slight muscle at 130lbs I look miles better than I did at 110 lbs. I’m so happy I changed my mindset to be healthy and not the tiniest person in the room. I’m a mom, I’m 25. I’m not in high school or college anymore. My body has curves to it (which I love). Im a woman and not a girl anymore.
@leander22 I am 33, almost 34.

I made it down to 110 last summer. I was in a small deficit (-200 calories). I lifted weights 2-3 times a week and hiked once a week.

I think bone structure has a lot to do with it. When I was at my low weight my waist was about 25”, which might not be achievable for some simply because their ribs are wider. Likewise, going under 25” is not achievable for me.

I was around 110 in my teens years. TBH I never expected to be able to get back down to that weight, especially since I’ve had two kids.
@dawn16 Raises hand wide ribbed queen checking in haha. Even at my lowest weight my natural waist didn't change drastically because of how my hips and ribs are. At that point I had to learn to dress appropriately for my shape and it made a world of difference in how I felt.
@leander22 I’m with you!! 5’2 and I had to work every second of every day to be 125. After a while of just being exhausting by my workout schedule and obsessing over food, I realized it just wasn’t worth it for me. I’m pretty curvy anyway and happy with it so as long as I feel good I try to ignore the scale. If I can stay around 135-140, I’m happy. Not always easy but not too difficult either if I stay active. Ya girl just loves to eat lol.
@leander22 I relate to this so hard. I’m 5’1” and have never been under 130 lbs. I keep hearing my goal should be 120 but that seems impossible. I’ve lost over 30 lbs and am hovering around 138. I lift a lot and am very curvy, my boobs and butt definitely add some weight to me lol. But whenever I hear people my height saying the goal should be 100-120lbs I can never comprehend it
@leander22 I’m just here to comment im only 25 years old and i much prefer my body at 130/125 than i ever did sub 120 lbs. I agree to the other commenter saying that maybe our bone structure is different than some of these other women- I looked sick at 110 lbs looking back at photos. I would much rather be toned and strong at 130 than corpse looking under 120. I think some people in the sub are still in the mindset to be the tiniest possible thing that they can be rather than working towards being strong.
@pauline56 Same. When I was my fittest, as a teenager, I got down to 120 and people started questioning if I had an ED because I just looked too thin for my body/frame. I have not been able to get down to that weight since I was 18. As an adult woman I don’t think I need to go back to that either to be healthy/comfortable. I would actually be pleased as punch to get to 140. 130 would be the lowest I could probably do without going mad. I’m 175 now and yes I look overweight (and I am def unhealthy right now lol) but I carry it in such a way I just look out of shape vs visibly obese (which is what BMI says I am, despite the fact I’m technically overweight at what I would qualify as my healthy weight.) Everyone is different! Focus on measurements and how you feel more than the scale itself.
@dan123 I haven't weighed 110lbs since I was 11 years old and honestly, I think I'd physically feel like complete ass trying to weigh that little as an adult. Like literally I'd feel exhausted and sick and cold and weak. A more natural weight for me during my teens was 115-120. My body shape at that time was pretty solidly hourglass. I loved my body back then! In my 20s, my natural weight went up to 130 because I started to eat more when I got married. I was definitely still thin-looking though and yet I felt womanly at the same time. No regrets about that weight either.

I'm 30 years old now and 150lbs. I do strength training 4 days a week so most of it is muscle, but I'd prefer to have less fat purely because I want to show off my muscles more. But again, it all comes down to diet and I feel sick eating any less than I do now and I can't progress at the gym as much as I want to.

So, all of that to say that it comes down to your body shape, general health, and how much food you need to feel like a healthy and energized person.
@betterdays Same here, I was like 115-120 during my teens too!Now at 35, (I’m 5’4) 155lbs from strength training and weight lifting. I’m okay with looking strong and not skinny.
@betterdays Can’t agree more. High school weight was 110-120 lbs. my natural weight for me right now at 25 (married with a 2 year old) is 130 and I feel like a look like a healthy,toned, strong woman versus a skinny sack of bones. I feel womanly and awesome and not like a little girl.
@dan123 I'm 5'0" and my natural weight is lower than that - I can maintain it because I have gut issues that require some restrictions on my diet. If I eat 3 meals a day it results in really bad bloating and slow digestion, causing food to literally rot in my stomach. So to fix that I usually eat twice a day - a brunch and dinner. And it has to be in a small to moderate portion, otherwise the slow digestion problem will occur.

If I eat snacks, I usually have coffee or something small or something probiotic that I know will aid in digestion. But I try to avoid snacks, I prefer sitting down and having a proper meal. And I have a lot of water and black coffee! I drink about 3 liters of water every day.

I also walk a lot since I live in a college campus, on average I walk 10,000 steps a day and also cycle a bit. So that helps.
@dan123 My goal is 118. I currently fluctuate between 125-127lbs, but I tend to go from 118-121lbs in the summer and I feel so much leaner while not losing much butt or boobs
@dan123 Am 5’2”. Have spent months at 103/106 and I was definition of skinny fat. Back up to 112-117 (hormonal/water fluctuations) and my body is so much happier here! I tried to increase protein and calorie intake at 103-106 and my body just wouldn’t put on the muscle. Or I probably could have, but fitness would have become the main focus of my life and that wouldn’t be sustainable for me based on my lifestyle preferences.

At the higher weight, my body is so much happier. I see the results of my workouts much faster and I’ve been able to lower my body fat percentage without being ultra tied to the food scale and macros.

All of this to say, you may find a weight that your body always “goes back to” within the healthy BF percentage range and I would encourage you to explore recomp there!
@dan123 5’2 and I struggle to get under 120. I did get to 110 at 29, but I had no boobs or butt. I do have a significant amount of muscle and I do know women that are my height or slightly taller that are 100 pounds but a similar or bigger size than me because they have very little muscle.
@dan123 I’m 5’2 and started at 151lbs. I’m currently at 114 with a goal weight of 110. I’ve been continuing to lose by tracking calories, averaging 20k steps per day, and strength training. For me, I feel lean but toned. Getting to 118-114 I noticed more muscle definition due to fat loss. Hoping to calculate my new TDEE once I get to 110 to maintain.