Goal weight for 5ft 2in F?

@bstrong Just calories. I probably should get better at tracking macros and prioritizing protein, but honestly I just haven’t and so far it’s been working for me!
@dan123 I'm just under 5'2. When I was a young teenager I read in some magazine the "rule" is that you should be 100 at 5' and 5 lbs heavier for each inch over that, so I should weigh 110. This led me to believe in my adolescence and young adulthood that when I weighed 114 or 118 or 122, I was FAT. Eventually I did realize that was bullshit and that I felt really good in the 116-120lb range. But in the back of my mind, there was always a subliminal thought that my "ideal" weight would be 110.

Well, the one time in my adult life I got to 108 (went into major surgery already at a low and very fit weight for me then unexpectedly and unintentionally lost more post surgery), I looked...not good. My face was too thin. I completely lost my boobs. You could see my ribs above my non-existent boobs. I never really want to be below 115 again.
@dan123 Same here. The only way I've been able to get lower than my current weight was by not eating due to intense anxiety and nonstop working out just to have something to do. I was physically dying and still a healthy BMI. Not sure what it would take to get there healthily and I have my doubts!
@dan123 I am 5’2 and I would love to be 110 or less, but I cannot get under 125 without a steep calorie deficit and excessive exercise that just leaves me exhausted and hungry. I have been less than 105 in 2020, but I was deep in a restrictive Ed, and since then my body fights any deficit and/or weight loss below 125. So for mental and real physical health, I need to be okay with my goal being maintenance of 126-130 and just focussing on fitness and health rather than weight.
@dan123 I have never been 112 pounds nor would I want to be. I would be thrilled to be 123. My lowest weight ever was about 118. I guess I could go thinner but why? The muscle loss would be too great and counter productive to progress or maintaining.
@dan123 I am 50kg (110 pounds). I am Asian, for context, and we just tend to be lighter in general. I am slimmer than when I was 55kg, but I still have quite a good amount of belly protruding and my thighs when I sit down are around 98cm. So it depends entirely on your genes and body composition. Personally I think 48kg would be perfect for me, but maybe it's too light for you.
@dan123 This really is so personal because every body frame is so different. I have an extremely tiny frame. I wear a size 3 on my ring finger. I weigh 112 lbs right now and I'm chubby. I look best at between 100-105. I know most people at our height would look extremely thin at that weight, but I do not. That puts me wearing a size 2/3.
@dan123 i’m 5’1 and my gw is 120lbs. That doesn’t sound like a very healthy weight relative to that height. Maybe i’m just too into muscle mass lol but everyone i know who is 5’2 are not even close to 110 lol
@dan123 When I was swimming, biking and running everyday for a triathlon I was 115. I was super fit back then. I got to 110 running everyday. But I like myself with muscle I would say 115-117 would be my happy place weight wise. I have a decent amount of muscle in butt and legs
@dan123 i’m 107/108 lbs now and trying to build muscle so i’m gonna assemble around the 110-115 mark for me. i weighed about 100-105 just naturally a few years ago but i definitely don’t think i can be that low anymore without being extremely restrictive and living an unsustainable lifestyle.
@dan123 I’m 5” and was always 105-110. Gained the weight and that’s where I’m comfortable. I’m petite when I’m that weight though, so what’s healthy for me may not be appropriate for the next person.
@dan123 Yes, in HS my weight went as low as 105 lbs. Used to weigh 150 lbs due to pandemic weight gain but after 8months of dieting i got back to 110 lbs.
@dan123 5”1, 116lbs currently, spent most of my teens/20s at 99lb & was 💯 malnourished with horrendous effects on hormones etc.
Health is most definitely wealth, regardless of what the scale says 🤌🏼
@dan123 Hi! I am 5’1” and a half lol and am 117. I started at 156 and feel extremely comfortable and confident at this weight. I’ve also built a lot of muscle, so I stopped weighing myself and focusing more on healthy food and good/fun workouts. But to answer your question- 117-120 feels right for me.
@dan123 I look best at around 100, and spent most of my life around there. Hit 125 during COVID and after eating 1200 cals for 6 ish months I was able to lose that weight. Currently at 115 since it's been winter and I haven't cared too much about my weight but I'm starting to eat in a deficit again to regain that summer bod lol.
@dan123 Keep in mind too weight is very subjective. You can be “heavier” and have muscle. Something I’ve had to grasp with strength training is I’ll lose fat, gain muscle, but also gain weight bc of the muscle. Don’t beat yourself up too much over a number on the scale. Just try to be as healthy as you can be.
@dan123 Im 5' 2ft and stay around 110 because that's what looks and feels best. I'm not hung up on that number, though. I would be fine with it increasing if I add more muscle