Goal weight for 5ft 2in F?


New member
So I’ve seen this question asked before, and 110lbs seemed to be quite a popular answer. My question is, for the people whose goal is 110lbs -

Have you weighed that before, and therefore that’s the reason you’re able to get back to that weight?

How are you getting to that weight, and how are you maintaining it?

In recent years I’ve fluctuated between 120-123lbs, and over the past 10yrs probably between 117-123lbs. I became quite depressed a few years ago, and was eating barely anything because of it, and at that time weighed 112lbs. I’m not sure how I personally would be able to weigh 112lbs under normal circumstances. Like I don’t think my body can get there. When I weighed that I was eating a few bites of a meal and that was it. I quite liked my body at 112lbs but I don’t know how I could get to that weight and stay there when it hasn’t been the norm for my body during my adult life.
@dan123 I don’t focus on weight because it’s such an unreliable metric. I look at my lean muscle % and body fat % and work directly on changing those things. I could care less what the scale says if my body fat is in a good spot and I’m building muscle and I like the way I look and feel in clothes!
@tiff209 I think for most accurate results, you will need to get measured professionally. I had a DEXA scan done and the report tells you everything from body fat %, lean muscle mass, and bone density. There are some smart scales that supposedly measure body fat % and lean muscle mass, but results may vary i.e. my BF % from DEXA was 37% but my scale was reading 39%.
@thedupuis If we’re starting from skinny fat, do you think there’s value in the DEXA scan vs the scale? In my eyes 2% difference isn’t a big deal, but I guess I don’t know. I’m really early in my fitness journey and want to put my money towards the most effective things.
@tiff209 Great question! DEXA scan is pretty darn accurate and you don’t need to get another one for months since it takes time to loose body fat and build muscle. But I can literally do zero exercise and eat 130g protein and see the body fat numbers decrease. You can see if a gym you belong to has one or a local supplement store - sometimes they offer those for free in exchange for a purchase. I pay for mine $50, and get tested every six months. You can also just go the cheaper route and do the calipers.
@intermediary Yes this. Im 5’2” and weigh 120lbs, and my body fat is 18% and muscle mass is 55lbs. A few years ago I got measured and was 120lbs and had 21% body fat. I weigh the same but am much more fit now.

I feel great, though wouldn’t mind getting body fat slightly lower. Wouldn’t sacrifice my diet for it though, so will just keep working out and we’ll see!
@dan123 I'm 5'2" and had 110lb for my goal weight for a long time. I came within a pound of it last fall, but the truth is I didn't think I looked or felt that much better at 110, and I was busting my butt with unsustainable habits to try to get there, not to mention I was starting to fall into a binge/restrict-and/or-overexercise cycle that was quite hard to come out of. Ultimately I took a break from dieting over the holidays, gained a few pounds, and decided that 115-117 is a much more sustainable range for me. Someone taller might think that 5-7 lbs does not make that much of a difference, either looks or lifestyle-wise... but as all of us here know, that is not true at 5'2" 🙂
@dan123 I'm 5'2" and have ranged from 98 to 130 pounds in the last 5 years.

Please note I was 98 pounds when my father was in hospice and I was extremely stressed. This wasn't on purpose.

My best, most confident body, has been about 117 and strong. I prefer having some thighs that can take me up a mountain and a strong torso/arms. Right now, I'm out of shape and 123 and know the 6 lbs won't get me where I want to be, but lifting heavier and being more active will.
@dan123 I’m also 5’2. I also don’t think I’d be able to get down to 110 and keep it. I never have. At my lowest post puberty, as a teenager. I was 115lbs. And it was on a very restrictive diet my parents put me on. So I gained like 20lbs very soon after, lol. During covid I was eating like shit, not on purpose, and I got down to 117lbs after being probably 125-130 for a few years. I think I was too skinny then so I don’t want to go that low. Anyway after covid I steadily gained weight— I went to college LOL.

I hit 152lbs in June 2023. Realized that was too heavy for me and I needed to be healthier. At first my goal weight was 135lbs because I thought that was where I liked my body in the past. I hit that and realized I must’ve confused my prior weights, so I decided to set a goal weight of 125lbs. But 135 was where I started to like my appearance again and fit into my clothes more comfortably. This is where I realized it’s not really a goal weight thing for me, it’s body composition. I just want to be lean and strong.

Currently I’m at 127lbs and still feeling good about myself. I would, however, like to see if I could get some visible ab definition. If I tense currently I can see the beginning of abs. So I’d like to see if I could lose more to see my abs. Ultimately I hold most of my fat in my thighs/butt so it will probably continue to come off my stomach. FWIW I’m a natural hourglass so I think I look pretty good even at higher weights.

So… I guess all in all at this point I’m trying to let go of the scale and look at muscle gain progress. I want to be lean and fit and strong! I think this is frankly the best mindset for me.
@dan123 I’m 5’2” and my goal is to maintain around 130. I feel like I have a wider frame so it feels like a natural amount of weight for me to have.
@pauline56 I think your comment is basically the only one I’ve come across saying your goal is 130 (my ideal weight).
I’m 5’2 and need to fight for my life to keep under 150 yet so many commenters are saying they already hover around 120-125. I’m really wondering how old everyone is because last time I was ~120 was in my early 20s and I can’t imagine ever getting back to that weight without severe boot camp style methods lol
@leander22 Same. Age might be a factor! I’m 40. But even in my 20s 120 wasn’t happening even when I was training for a marathon etc. Even 130 is probably stretching a little, like 130-135 probably more realistic.
@leander22 Mine is 130 as well! I like to lift and be a little curvy. I was 110 for a while, and I honestly felt like I looked like a corpse. My bone structure in my body and face is not built to be super skinny.

I'm in my 30s and sit around 145 lately, and 130 would be an ideal spot. That said my body is much more muscular once I started focusing on my training and I look more fit but the scale hasn't moved so just because the scale isn't moving doesn't mean you aren't having some non scale victories!

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