Good, cheap protein on Amazon and a heart rate monitor that actually works and doesn’t cost $500?


New member
I’m trying to up my fitness game. Heavy lifting and cardio.

My diet sucks. Any recommendations on protein? Does it satiate you? I’d like a brand that satiates so I don’t eat so much terrible food.

Also, any good heart rate monitors that CONSISTENTLY work? Wrist preferably. The one I have sucks. It shows me with a 60bpm when I’m sprawled out on the floor gasping for air.
@brethrenfund1 Overall protein consumption helps a lot with satiation. Good luck getting enough eating chicken. Unless you want to have a glass of water next to you as you choke down gross portions of chicken. I say chicken + whey.
@msallyjm Exactly. A shake can be useful but probably better off with a protein bar that can't be consumed in 3.5s and also includes some fiber to help that protein satiate longer. Ideally OP would be better spent to optimize real foods and up the meat and vegetable* game for satiation.

*Smothering with butter/oil/cheese no longer counts.
@msallyjm No but you can use protein powder for cooking. Making high protein low cal deserts with it absolutely changed everything for me. My sweet tooth stays satisfied and I'm losing weight at a very fast pace without trying.
@ms7dc Your choice of protein supplement isn't going to solve your poor diet.

If you don't want to eat a lot of bad food, eat a lot of good food.

It takes effort.

A protein supplement and a heart rate monitor are way down the line that begins with discipline and consistency in the kitchen and the gym.
@ms7dc Wrist HRMs are very poor at detecting rapid changes in heart rate. A chest strap is the most accurate that's still usable for workouts. I upgraded my old chest strap to the garmin pro one last month and it's pretty nice, also it can sync directly to your phone so if you don't have garmin watch it still works.

I don't have any protein recommendations off Amazon (I use Ascent from Costco) but if you are trying to feel fuller in order to cut some calories look into volume eating. Lots of great tricks and foods that will help you feel full. I pretty much only ever have protein fluff now. It's about 250 calories and fills a large bowl. Nearly as filling as a large meal, but it would only be 1/3 of a shaker bottle.
@newshappy It's rare that I read a single reddit comment where I see two new interesting things I've never heard of before:
  1. Volume eating: Any good pointers? (This may be self explanatory but I always appreciate tips)
  2. Protein fluff. This appears to be something you prepare and freeze? Do you have a preferred recipe?
In return I'll share my new favorite too-good-to-be-true healthy thing:
  1. Oikos PRO High Protein Yogurt - Plain (half a bowl, probably 1.5 servings)
  2. Bob's Red Mill protein oats. (enough to cover the yogurt and make a proper parfait)
  3. Stir that up
  4. Random store brand frozen raspberries (straight from freezer)
  5. A small drizzle of honey (keep it small)
  6. [Optional] Whatever other frozen fruit strikes your fancy in a small amount (straight from freezer)
It's incredibly filling, at least 10g of protein per 100 calories, tastes absolutely amazing, pretty affordable and takes about 60 seconds to prep if you're efficient about it.
  1. /r/Volumeeating is a good start. I came across the idea on Instagram with a guy who reposts a lot of eating/food videos (the_plant_slant).
  2. The fluff idea/recipe was from the same guy, it's less of a recipe and more of a take a guess at what works for you? I normally put 6-10 ice cubes in my food processor, small scoop of yogurt, 100-150g of frozen fruit (mango seems to work best, banana is good too but more calories). Blend it for a bit and then add in a scoop of whey protein. I kind of stir it in since when I turn on my food processor it throw's everything in the air and 1/2 the powder just sticks to the lid. Then blend/process for 4-8 minutes. if it's too dry and not breaking down the ice add a small splash of milk, if it's all smooth add more ice till one or two small pieces can't quite get sucked into the vortex. It will 2 or 3x in volume. scoop into large bowl. Plastic or frozen glass/porcelain works best. Freeze for a little if you want or just eat. It does not "freeze" well. At least mine gets too hard to scoop.
@simpleman25 Haha, if only it worked like that right?

Of course it doesn't matter how much you spend on gadgets it's not going to change your weight or eating habits (maybe some sort of shock collar when you eat outside of specific feeding times? 🤔)

He did ask separately about HRM's and I know that wrist ones use quite a bit of smoothing since they can't always stay in good contact with your skin, and especially for some workouts wrist flexion arm pumping can actively interfere, lookup cadence lock for one example.
@ms7dc I drink the 30g fairlifes and 30g Premier proteins.

Also no need to spend anything over maybe 20 or 30 bucks on a HR monitor. Its pretty low on the list in the orders of magnitude needed to succeed.

If you want satiety drinking protein isn't for you though. Chewing is what you want.