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Hi! I’m looking to start hitting the gym more and lose weight. I’m a 5’6 male, I currently weight somewhere near 260 lbs and wanna get down to 190 at the least. What do y’all recommend for this goal? As far as workout days I’m thinking 2-3 for 1-2 hours at first then eventually the same 2-3 and maybe beyond.
@bowtiedguy Some of the most effective weight loss training is heavy strength training with compound lifts, like deadlifts, squats, bench press, military press for 5 reps, clean and jerk if you want to. Strength training makes you burn calories even when you are not working out.

If you are serious I would maybe do 4 days a week, two days cardio and two days strength.

This strength routine 2x a week:

Deadlift 4x5

Squats 4x5

Bench press 4x5

Military press 4x5

Lat pull-down or pull-ups if you can do them 3x12

Leg press or lunges 3x12

Incline dumbbell bench press 3x12

Lateral raise 3x12

Dumbbell curl 3x12

Triceps pull-down 3x12

Ab work for 6-7 minutes

The whole thing should take 90 mins max.

This is optimised for weight loss and CNS load, when you have hit your weight loss goal this should have provided you with some decent starting strength, so when your primary goal becomes building muscle I would not do this anymore but maybe look into a PPL split.

Then one long slow cardio, like a hike or a bike ride for 90-120 mins.

Then the last workout should be HIIT. Running intervals for example, 4x4 mins or 5x5 mins or 10x400m sprints or something like that, whatever floats your boat.

Obviously diet is super important, you need to eat at a constant deficit while maintaining protein intake if you want to build some muscle while losing weight. Consider getting protein powder, it makes things a lot easier. Count calories for a couple of weeks so you build an intuitive sense for how much you can eat. Do a TDEE calculation to find out how much you should eat to lose weight. Look into intermittent fasting and if that is something you could possibly do, also makes things easier.

Good luck, you got this!
@bowtiedguy 4 days a week, no more than an hour a day, and it's all about keeping your heart rate at a high level (relative to you and your body) and eating a healthy diet. After you reach your weight loss goals set new goals as to your muscle growth and structure.