Got my first ever FULL Iron Cross in 10 months!! (AMA)

@momrocks71 If you're interested in doing general calisthenics/rings and just seeing how things go and maybe get the iron cross along the way- sure, you can do the IC specific progressions say once every 1 to 2 weeks- together with (or before) your chest and tris session is fine (if you want to try 2 times a week, sure by all means, but scale it down by increasing the resistance or reducing the time under tension or leverage).

If you want to work towards the IC in the fastest, most optimal time, then I'd say focus more specifically on getting volume, i.e. high load and time under tension, on those specific exercises/progressions- and focus on straight arm strength predominantly. But don't neglect your bent arm work and pull work ofc (e.g. front lever).