Grams a creatine needed per weight


New member
So I found online it was kilogram of weight x 0.3 and that’ll be your needed amount. Now I’m 120 (54.5 kilograms) and it came out to 16.35. Do I take 16 “grams” of creatine then. Or how would I calculate that since I am still converted to kilograms lmao?
@adviceplease I know I should, I’ve heard and seen better results simply calculating and taking the “correct amount” just like protein you’ll see better results with your needed intake not just 25g scoops of whey
@izakb That's not really true, or rather to the extent that it's true it's in no way significant or even measurable. You also get creatine from consuming animal proteins and dairy products, so assuming you eat any of that, you're undercounting your creating intake as it is. And supplemental creatine just doesn't have a significant impact on your results. I mean I take it, it's proven to be effective, but we're talking marginal effects here
@izakb Creatine saturates in to the muscle and stays there for multiple days. So there's a period at the beginning where you build or "load" it, but then once your muscles are fully saturated then you just take some to maintain the level.

A 5g serving is more than enough to do both load and maintain for most people. You can, optionally, double the dose the first week you take it to speed up the loading, but once that's done then just take 5g a day and you're set.

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