Guys, how the F do I stop eating so much?!

@lostandtired You can look into getting a Skyla when it's time to replace your Mirena. The amount of hormones is lower and it is good for only 3 years but it might be a good compromise if you suspect BC to be the problem.
@lostandtired I don’t know how old you are, but I suddenly got bad skin in my early/mid 20s because apparently your hormones change again then 😭 I know that progesterone, at least, drives appetite up. Maybe an endocrinologist could be helpful?
@lostandtired For what it's worth - I was on birth control for around 4 years and the last two years I've had a huge appetite. I was constantly hungry. My weight went up and after I went off birth control my appetite went back to normal, as in I'm not hungry 2 hours after eating a meal anymore. I snack less and am able to eat smaller portions without being constantly hungry.

Hormones work in super weird ways. I had more problems later on on birth control. It might not be the Mirena, but it's possible.

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