@dawn16 Static stretching will not help you. Seriously.
You want whole-body stretching, where many different motions are connected.
People think that muscles are simple like rubber bands that just need extra stretching to lengthen them, but this is false.
The tightness is a 'stretch reflex' where the nervous system fires to contract the muscle to protect the body from injury. If the stretch reflex fires early on, there is more leverage and strength to protect the body from getting into a vulnerable position.
The soft tissue of the muscle is more easily repairable than tendons and ligaments, so if the stretch reflex fires early the muscle is more able to fulfill a protective role.
Also the body is a connected whole, so tightness in one area can easily be related to tightness in another area in ways that are non-obvious to a person without knowledge of how these things work.
So you will be far better served by taking a yoga class than sitting at home trying to lengthen your muscles by pushing on them. I am talking from experience here -- I have been working on hip flexibility for a long long time.
There are many different types of yoga, and yoga has many benefits going beyond just simple flexibility, so it is worth trying.