Hair loss and bodybuilding


New member
This might be a dumb question ill ask anways.

did you guys notice hair loss when you started intense workout. Since August 2020 I started following a strict diet and trying to loose weight and put on some more muscle. i've noticed my hair loss increased significantly. I am just wondering if there is any correlation with these two things


Day 1 legs:
  1. Barbell Squats
Here you will find a weight that is very challenging to complete sets of 12-15. First you will warm up to your working weight (2-3 warm up sets). 4 sets of 12-15 reps Barbell squats. 1 minute rest in between sets. Last set you will do a double drop set.
  1. Leg press 4 sets of 15-20 reps. here also do a few warm up sets these warm up sets do not count. Once you find a weight that is very challenging to complete the desired amount of reps that’s when your 1st working set begins. Last set is a drop set so keep dropping weight until you have one or two plates a side. You can drop the weight in one plate increments 1 minute break in between sets.
  2. Next is a superset. Meaning after completing the first exercise you immediately proceed to the next exercise. Here A1-A2
A1- seated leg extension 4 sets of 12 reps

10 second rest

A2- single leg Bulgarian split squat 4 sets of 8 on each leg once this is complete take a 30 second rest.
  1. B1) Barbell or dumbbell stiff legged dead’s 4 sets 12-15 reps 10 second break
B2) seated or laying hamstring curls 4 sets 12-15 reps 30 sec break



Day 2) Chest:

1) Bench press flat- Here you will warm up and find a weight that is challenging to reach 12 reps, Last rep should be a grinder. Once you warm up you will do 4 sets of 12 reps with 1:00 minute break-

2) Incline DB- press here perform a few warm up sets and once you reached your working weight you will do 4 sets of 12-15 reps with 45 second breaks -

3) Flat DB flies-4 sets of twelve 45 seconds rest perform a few warm up reps find a weight that is challenging to reach 12 reps -

4) Standing cable Flies 6 sets of 12 30 second breaks -

5) Pushups 4 sets to failure 2 minute breaks in between

Day 3) Delts:

1) Military barbell shoulder press standing. Here again you will warm up until you find a weight that is very challenging to reach 12 reps. Once you get to that weight your working sets will commence. 4 sets of 12 reps 1:00 break between sets. -

2) Seated DB press 4 sets of 12 reps 45 second breaks -

3) DB front lateral raises 4 sets of 12 reps 30 second breaks-

4) DB side laterals 6 sets of 12 reps 30 second breaks -

5) Db laying rear delt flies 4 sets of 15-20 reps 30 second breaks

6) 6 ways 4 sets 45 second breaks -

Day 4) Legs #2

1) Barbbell deadlifts 4 sets of 12 reps. here again warm up until you find a weight that is challenging to reach 12 reps. once you reach your working weight the working sets start. 1:30 minutes between sets. -

2) Leg press with feet high on the deck to target hamstrings once again warm up get to your working weight once you reach working weight you will do 4 sets of 12 reps 30 second breaks Last set do a double drop set-

3) Laying hamstring curls 6 sets of twelve reps 45 second breaks

4) DB stiff legged deads 4 sets of 12 reps 45 second break-

5) DB rear lunges from a platform 8 reps on each leg and you will do 4 sets, 45 second breaks- h your platform doesn’t have to be that high ill use a plate if nothing else is available and of course with weights in your hands.

day 5 back

1) Bent over barbell rows 4 sets of 12 1:00 minute breaks here also warm up to a working weight and then your working sets will start.-

2) Chin ups 4 sets till failure 1:30 break between sets, wide grip.

3) Meadow rows 4 sets of 12 start with weaker side first than back and forth no breaks se 25 pound plates here so you get a better range of motion. So while the left arm is working the right is resting and vice versa.-

4) Easy bar/ small barbell pullovers 4 sets of 12, here also warm up get a good stretch with light weight and proceed to a weight that is challenging for 12 reps 45 second breaks - keep elbows tight inside!

5) Seated v grip rows 5 sets of 12 reps 30 second breaks-

6) Reverse grip latt pull downs 5 sets of 12 reps 30 second breaks-

Day 6) Arms

Superset 1) standing db bicep curls supersetted with laying db tricep skull crusher. 20 second breaks in between super sets 5 sets of 12



Superset 2) Zottman curls super set with seated tricep db extensions 4 sets of 12 reps 20 second breaks.



Superset 3) 4 sets 12 reps 20 sec break in between super sets. bicep cable curls and tricep cable push downs.

Bicep :


Not to be supersetted perform each exercise separately.
  1. Barbell bicep curls (the 45 pound bar you use for benching and dead’s) here warm up with the bar and perform 12 reps. Find a weight that is challenging to reach 12 reps. 30 seconds between sets.
  2. Close grip tricep Barbell press. 6 sets of 12 30 second breaks. here warm up with the bar and perform 12 reps. Find a weight that is challenging to reach 12 reps.

Meal 1)

4 eggs

1 bagel or 3 slices of bread

40 grams all natural peanut butter

15 grams 0 sugar jam.

Meal 2)

120 grams Cooked chicken breast skinless boneless or turkey breast or ground chicken/turkey. Or 150 grams tilapia/cod

200 gram cooked rice or 230 grams cooked sweet potato. 80 grams cooked pasta.

130 grams vegetables or stir fry blend.

Meal 3)

Cooked salmon 150 grams or sirloin steak 130 grams

Rice cooked 200 grams or 230 grams cooked potatoes or 80 grams cooked pasta

100 grams cooked stir fry blend veggies or regular veggies.

Meal 4)

2 scoops of protein powder throughout the day.

Edit: Added workout and diet
@ant101 If that coincides with when your noticeable hair loss started, then it could indeed be a factor. Just to be safe you may want to stop taking the creatine for now and start using a shampoo with DHT blocker such as Nizoral, specifically look for the version that has 2% ketoconazole.
@ant101 Yes, either that or the nizoral. At least then if you try that regimen for a month or two you can gauge if the hair loss progression has halted or not and reassess from there.
@ant101 I read an article once about how high levels of testosterone in older men can result in a person going bald and growing hair in other areas. Idk if it's true or not, but it may be a place to start your research on the subject
@ant101 Whole foods can mean a lot of different things. It's better than processed chemical crap but there's still a difference between meat and vegetables even when they are"whole foods".
@ant101 I would recommend adding gelatin into the mix if you aren't eating a lot of connective tissue in the meats you are eating. It won't help if you have a medical/hormonal issue but if not it should help.
@ant101 This isn't what you asked, but I would recommend getting on Propecia if you're concerned about hair loss. My brother is a physician and he's been on it for 9 years now. Completely halted his hair loss and he doesn't have any side effects.
@patricia1990 It can have some extremely serious side effects for some people. I’m not saying he shouldn’t take it, but there is an entire subreddit dedicated to the side effects of Propecia aka Finasteride
@ant101 Possible? Sure. You didn't tell us how much you weigh, how much you eat, and how intensive your training is. You need to realize that weight loss takes patience and consistency the most. Don't be stupid, be patient. Minnesota starvation experiment style dieting is not the way.

If you have any doubt, try eating more nutritous food (i.e. not salad) and restricting the high intensive training to no more than two days a week. Make up the rest with easy aerobic training and calm max strength training: heavy, but low rep with plenty of rest between sets.
@freeofhsv1 hey ive posted my diet and workout routine in the post. I know weight lost and cutting takes time on average ive been loosing .5 to 1 lbs per week. I've been at it since last August before that i was on bulk mode I was 174lbs when i started the cut and right now im hovering around 161lbs.