Was it dangerous to bail out of my squat with my hair like this? (See image)

@johnmarsten Just a PSA (not directed towards OP): this can be dangerous with long hair. I witnessed a girl in my gym get pulled straight to the ground by the bar when she tried to bail because her pony got wrapped around it. I warn girls with long hair to keep it in front or on top of their head, but never toss it on your back. Unless you have a spotter or at least properly set up safety bars in a rack
@johnmarsten I’m just here to say I absolutely love that you said “beefy weights” haha.

I’ll take this wording over other fitness people saying they’re working on their “fat dumpy” and “dump truck” any day (sorry, just can’t stand that wording)
@snpdoll11 To me dump = shit. So all those "influencers" talking about "growing their dumpy" just make me wonder why they want to remind everyone they shit.

I have an almost Victorian mindset about bathroom topics though... I like to pretend none of us shit :D
@threedrunkduck Why lurk that sub? Its full of negative, worthless energy. I know someone with a disorder who looks at that stuff to fuel more self disgust, more weight loss. Its self-harm for some, and for the rest its just hate for others. Its not pity there…its all loathing and disgust for real human beings. It trains you to hate them even more…do something better with your boredom.
@johnmarsten I would keep some pithy and scathing comments in your pocket for the next time he tries to touch you - or any other dude at the gym for that matter.

Fwiw that's how I've had my hair many times when back squatting. The baby hairs that got caught once caused a bit of discomfort but it was not a big deal at all.
@hangingout And to touch her. Unasked. Unwanted.

OP, tell some staff at the gym so they keep an eye or ear out for him doing this to others.

Of course, he’s in some forum yakking it up about the stupid girl he got to correct and grope, while his buddies cheer.
@johnmarsten Does he squat with the bar on his neck? I don’t even see it being long enough to reach the bar. If it won’t stay in a pony tail it’s probably not going to wrap around the bar during a back squat
@dawn16 I had the same thought. I mean, you can see my little metal choker/necklace in the second picture and the bar is for sure below that or it would be uncomfy as hell. And the hair barely extends past that.
@johnmarsten Got shouldn’t have touched you. That’s a weird thing to do

Your hair seems a bit short to get stuck. I have long hair and have gotten it stuck before so it can happen but seems unlikely for you