Has anybody else just gotten sick of protein?


New member
I've been lifting consistently for the past 4 ish months and aiming for 100 grams of protein a day but I just can't do it anymore. For reference I'm 29 F, 5'6" and 135 pounds.

I've been having a protein shake to start my day (20 grams) but now the thought of another one makes me want to gag. I also eat lots of beans, tofu, soy milk and some faux meats.

Yesterday I just said fuck it and ate what I wanted. I ended the day at 62 grams of protein, which I feel like should be good enough. Idk, has anybody here stopped paying so much attention to protein and still made good strength progress?
@kenhui Protein intake vs muscle growth dose dependent relationship. I think this is mainly with male athletes, but if you look at supplemental table 3, everyone started gaining muscle as long as their intake was over 0.5g/kg. For you that would be roughly 30 grams per day. Maybe it isn't maximal muscle growth, but it also means that you basically can quit caring about the amount and know that you are in fact consuming enough to accrue muscle and move in the right direction. Diet sustainability trumps the fine details that may, or may not, be giving you an edge.

Edit: fixed typo
@mihailolt This is the way. 100 g for a 135 lbs person is so not necessary. Best solution to get over protein is to cut that in half to 50-60 and you’ll get just as much result.
@mihailolt This is about as perfect of a response regarding this topic that you can have, down to the last sentence regarding "diet sustainability".

Should be added to the sidebar
@kenhui In my experience, the more expensive protein powder makes a big difference. So for me personally, I’d take the mock meat money and use it on flavored powder.

Or skip it and just eat more TVP lol
@kenhui Totally get you. I’m around a similar size and weight to you, and back when I was aiming for 100g a day I would have to take like 1 day a week where I ate way less than that. Just couldn’t stomach it.
@kenhui I don't like protein, never have. Eating enough protein is hard, eating carbs feels way easier.

I try my best anyways! I like protein pancakes (myvegan), edamame, almonds & pumpkin seeds. I also mix protein powder to soy yoghurt (topped with berries and nuts).

Airfryer is great for cooking crispy tofu!
@kenhui You could try doubling your protein powder in your shake. I almost always do two scoops for 40 grams, then you don’t need two shakes.
@kenhui Are you just relying on protein shakes for protein? I rarely drink shakes and get 110 to 125 g of protein with TVP, Vital Wheat Gluten, tofu (Silken, extra firm, etc), tempeh etc. Check out Natalie Matthews for some recipe ideas.
@kenhui My issue honestly has always just been a low appetite. It's hard for me to eat enough volume. But, the periods I have made a consistent effort to eat enough, I haven't even paid much attention to protein, and I had good progress in both strenght and size gains.

I think protein is way over-hyped. Obviously don't live off of sugar and starch, have some level of consciousness about what kinds of food you should "hit" every day. For example make it so that you eat at least one meal every day that has whole wheat, and that you eat a good portion of legumes every day. You should automatically get up in the 60+ grams of protein a day only from that, which is as you say good enough for a normal size adult.

I'd pay much more attention to calorie count and overall health and balance of your daily diet.

The times I had most progress in the gym I set new personal PRs every week, and I ate a small breakfast of bread with whatever, cereals and such for lunch, and HUUUGE dinners in the evening pre and post workout that mostly consisted of tofu, pasta, tortillas, kidney beans, corn, olive oil and whatever veggies I fancied. The portions where absolutely huge for me. I ate some of it before workout, and the rest after, and just collapsed in bed absolutely stuffed. Worked out three times a week with full body split where I focues every day on push pull leg.
@kenhui Be creative with protein powder!! I never used to have shakes, (I do a bit more now), but I mainly would mix it with unsweetened soy yogurt (alpro or sojade are great brands in the UK but not sure about the US) or just a little bit of liquid to make a mousse! Add it into oats, baking, pancakes, etc. it makes a difference getting one you really like too.
Also tofu is your friend. It is one of the most versatile foods on the planet!
@kenhui Working out is about discipline

I consume 2 scoops of vegan protein every single morning, have done so for almost 5 years

Gotta do what you gotta do
@kenhui Have the same problem about every 6 month. But for me it‘s just the flavor or brand of protein. So I chance the brand every 6 month and I‘m fine.
@kenhui I also hate protein powder but if you find creative ways to use high protein foods, you shouldn't need to supplement with protein powder. Seitan is a good one that is super high protein that I use a lot. Also red lentil pasta with a creamy silken tofu sauce is clutch for protein!