Having been Crossfitting for 4 years, I’m now at a crossroads in my fitness journey

@manuelbeaty A good way to get your motivation back is to specialize. Do some weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman, or even body building. You will see progress just from specializing and it will probably motive you. You may end up liking your new focus more than CrossFit and end up leaving CrossFit as your main jam or you’ll use the progress you made to do better at CrossFit.
@manuelbeaty X-fit is great when you’re young. Once you attain an “elite” level of fitness, maintaining it while reducing stress on the joints is a good goal to have. My dad was super fit, he beat me in a WOD when he was 50 and I was 19. He did start to have knee pain at that age, but he just subbed X-fit for triathlons and body weight stuff. The weights are a young man’s game.

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