Having difficulty choosing between Phraks Greyskull LP and Thinner Leaner Stronger or just combining the two programs


New member
I'm starting out in strength training and losing weight. I've so far made some progress by going on a calorie deficit (My macros are 30g carbs, 95g protein and 101g fat. Total calories are 1400).

But now I want to get serious with strength training. I've been doing kettlebell and sandbag work in the meantime but I really want to get behind a barbell.

I've read up on Greyskull and like the set up but feel like working two compound lifts each day I workout is kinda small. I do like the AMRAP idea and want my last set to be where I just work to failure.

I do like the splits and set/reps listed in Thinner, Leaner, Stronger moreso. A bit of it confuses me (i.e. 8-10 reps on some occasions and 4-6 on others).

I'm not really sure which program I should do. Both sound good. I'm not sure if I should combine different concepts or pieces from them because I'm just starting out with a barbell and leaving my kettlebells and sandbags behind. When I worked out with these I'd just do movements during breaks (I contract from home and sometimes just throw these around when I want a break or some stress relief)
@isabelle7 I am currently running GSLP with accessories added in. I love the amraps and it really helps deloads not feel like failures because you still PR basically every day, whether by weight or reps. I just added in basically one superset worth of accessories for each compound and feel like I’m getting in a good, but simple workout.
@rosewithnothorns Nice! What accessories do you do if you don't mind me asking? I was adding them in after I did my two compounds by GSLP but I feel like I'm doing too much (I do my compound movements as recommended by Phrak every 5 days I'm gonna go to the gym, one day - usually wednesday is intended for deadlifts since he did say to do them 1x a week.). A friend told me to add 3-4 accessories with 3x8 set/reps afterward but I'm not sure if his advise is recommended.
@isabelle7 I very them throughout the week, and I also deadlift twice a week instead of once to get in 4 workouts per week. So my routine is:

Bench: 2 sets of 5 one set of 5+
Preacher curls 3x10
SS Tricep Dips 3xamrap
Dumbbell rows 3x10
SS upright B.B. rows 3x10
Squat: 2 sets of 5 one set of 5+
Front squats 3x10
SS BSS 3x8+

Deadlift: warmup then 1 set of 5+
RDL 3x10
SS single leg hamstring curls 3x8+
OHP 2 sets of 5 1 set of 5+
Assisted pull-ups 4 sets of 3 1 set of 3+

Wednesday: rest

Bench: 2 sets of 5 one set of 5+
Cable curls 3x10
SS Tricep Pulldowns 3x15
Dumbbell lawnmowers 3x10
SS bent over B.B. rows 3x5
Squat: 2 sets of 5 one set of 5+
Hip thrusts 3x8
SS Assisted pistol squats 3x8+

Deadlift: warmup then 1 set of 5+
Deadlifts for volume 3x8
SS back extensions 3x10+
OHP 2 sets of 5 1 set of 5+
Assisted pull-ups 3x8
SS seated rows 3x12
Shoulder circles

10 minutes rowing
10 minutes HIIT ab workout
10 minutes sprint intervals
10 minutes incline walking

Sunday: Rest

I’d say 3-4 accessories after each compound would feel like too much for me. That’s why I vary them each day so I am doing 4 different squat accessories, but I only really do each 1 day per week.
@isabelle7 I don't think there's anything wrong with altering a program to what will make it suit you best, although I'd say try some of the workouts first from each program and to get a better feel for them. There is a reason for each aspect of the workouts in both programs, however, the best workout is the one that you find I interesting and will do. I'm a big fan of combining programs personally, but I do the originals first usually.
@believer420 That's fair! I do like the AMRAP portion of Greyskull so do you think it might be good to consider doing the last set (a third or fourth set ) to failure and then increasing the weight for the next workout depending on what your rep count is?
@isabelle7 Yeah I think that would be a fine alteration to make, personally! You'd just have to consider that if you'll be doing other lifts that use one of the same muscles in the group, that next exercise will be more difficult if you've already tired your muscle out. Still, I'd do it 😊