HERO WOD Tommy V, which one r u gonna do this week?


New member
Hi everyone, this Friday I have a HERO WOD coming. The 21-15-9 / 12-9-6.
Can't wait for this one.
Very curious which HERO WOD you going to do this week.

Give them up.
@sonali I used to get shin splints so badly that I all but stopped running. Through crossfit, particularly running, dubs, and box jumps, I've found they've nearly disappeared. That and lots of mobility.
@passiongirl We did one yesterday, Becky, for a local vet who committed suicide after struggling with PTSD.
For time:
800m run
30 Squat snatch 95/65
Run 400m
30 Hang squat clean 95/65
Run 200m
30 Back squat (from ground) 95/65
Run 400m
30 pushups
Run 800m
30 pull ups
I finished just over 46 mins, and scaled snatches to 55lbs, and did ring rows. It was a rough one.
@passiongirl We did Hot Shots 19 on Monday. 6 rounds : 30 air squats, 19 power cleans (135/95), 7 strict pull ups, 400m run. There were a ton of people so we ended up doing it with a partner, trading equal number of reps and run together. Did it in a bit under 45 min. Today i hurt
@passiongirl We did Adam Brown yesterday:


24 deadlift 295/195

24 box jumps 24/20

24 wall balls 20/14

24 bench press 195/130

24 box jumps 24/20

24 wall balls 20/14

24 cleans 145/95

I had to scale the shit out of the weights to make it!
@passiongirl So far I've done DVB, Hildy and Horton this week. J.J is up next.

I'm doing all of them in alphabetical order (they added a few since I started, hence DVB and Hildy). 101 to go.
@passiongirl Did Small on Labor day. Was brutally fun.


1000m row
50 Burpees
50 Box jumps 24"/20"
800m run

Finished in 45:54. We had a little bottleneck at the rowers, so could've shaved a few seconds off that time.