Hey Everyone, Can someone please recommend me a workout routine and help with what I have?


New member
So i’m training for the police academy in Iowa, which is legit a year and a half out for me. I have goals in mind which I want to complete before then, but I just don’t know how to go about accomplishing them. I don’t even know if what I am doing right now is correct or helpful in any way. I am SO new to this whole workout thing and trying to build muscle and endurance. I have never had to worry about weight since i’ve been skinny all my life, and just now am I starting to worry about my overall health and fitness, I am completely lost in where to start and what to do. I have tried for the past month now and am seeing little results, that is why i’m asking for help.

Background on myself: I’m 20 years old, Weigh 141lbs (the most i’ve ever weighed, I am used to weighing 113-125lbs), and am 5”5.

My current workout routine (at home, gym memberships are currently out of my pay grade)MY GYM TERMINOLOGY SUCKS:
- I used to do 1 hour on the treadmill every night starting at 3.3mph and making my way up. Someone mentioned to me this wasn’t effective at losing weight, gaining muscle, or building endurance so I stopped.
- Lift just 5lbs weights with each arm, about 20-40 times
- Lift them over head to back 10-20 times
- Lift then to the sky 20 times
- Up and down 20 times
- 30 Jumping Jacks
- As many sit-ups as I can possibly do in 1 minute
- As many push-ups as I can do in 1 minute
- Wall push-ups 25 of them, 2 times
- 20 Squats w/o weights, 20 squats with weights
- 20 Lunges
- Lift 70lbs bench press but like not laying down, just squat lifts, about 10 of those, and then up and down 10 times.
- Wall sits for 30 seconds
- Sit and reach 10 times
- Kicking the air 20 times
- Punching the air how ever many times
- Running for as long as I can on the treadmill, start at 5mph and work up to 9mph (I struggle with running so it’s not long at all)

My Goals:
1. Lose weight and make my body more define and toned, and lose my double chin.
2. Work up to running 6 miles (I can barely do one)
3. Complete 32 sit-ups in one minute
4. Complete 15 push-ups in one minute
5. Run a 1.5 in less than 11 minutes
6. Build strength

I struggle with:
- Breath control, I often sound like an out of breath dog on a hot summers day. And my face gets red asf from not breathing properly.
- Push-ups push-ups push-ups, I can’t do one for the life of me.
- Anything running.
- Coming up with a solid routine
- Snacking throughout the day and at night!
- Not drinking enough water

If anyone could offer me help, it is much appreciated!!! Thank you so much.

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