HEY, EVERYONE! November is here and it's PULL-UPS MOTIVATIONAL MONTH! Join us today!

@rdmarita Great theme! I am working towards high pull ups (chest to bar) to get the elusive bar muscle up. I currently can do 10 regular pull ups. I have one funky elbow so I have to play nice with muscle ups and I figure the higher I can go, the easier the transition. Maddelisk has been giving me advice but her workouts are pretty high volume haha... :)
@rdmarita I still remember back then when I couldn't do a single pull up to save my life. My friends would laugh at me, calling me weak. To imagine that I'm able to do 20 pull ups, with a decent weighted pull up, I'm blown away by the power of consistency and determination. I hope these same factors can bring me to improving my weighted pull ups!
@rdmarita I'm F/17/95, been doing the RR for three months but still haven't gotten anywhere close to an actual pull-up. I'm currently working on negatives but can't do more than 3-4 in a row with proper form. So for short term goals, I'm just hoping to work up to 3x8 sets of negatives.
@rdmarita YESS.pull ups are by far my favourite exercise and unfortunately I have been slacking on exercisomg recently so this is perfect! Here are my stats:

M/14/117lbs and I am around 168

My max level right now is around a maximum of 8-9 bar pull ups and I have been there for months now

My goals are just to increase my maximum reps of pull ups to 12 or even 15 if I work hard enough.I also want to achieve the L sit pullups. This isn't completely relevent to pull ups but another goal is the muscle up.Ever since I saw a video of someone doing the muscle up on YouTube I was like "I want to be able to do that!".Thanks guys!
@rdmarita Nice timing. I've recently started throwing in some weighted sets with a 20 lb kettlebell I have laying around. I was topping out at 3 x 8 during RR before taking a break over the summer. Right now I'm at 3 x 7 unweighted or 5, 5, 6 with 20 lbs.

I've also been meaning to throw in some hangs to help open up my shoulders.

Forgot stats: M/31/150-155 lbs/5'8"
@rdmarita I dont have a bar so I'm doing my pull ups on a window border (high enough that I dont touch the ground) however the grip is difficult and I'm bad at pull ups.

I'm at day 3 (second time doing routine) and I am only able to do 3x3. The first day I was able to do 3x4-5 and I'm a bit discouraged by the difficulty right now.
@dawn16 Can you afford rings? Or one of those doorway pull-up bars? You can adapt the bedsheet method for pull-ups too, not sure how that compares to a window.

Don't get discouraged!
@rdmarita This is a good kick for me to get started with BW fitness in general. I've read through the RR and downloaded the app - just need to schedule a time slot to make it consistent.

Stats: M/29/170lbs (6'2")
I used to be able to do about 10-12 pull ups, but can probably only do half that now. I used to use a nearby playground but it's been torn down, so I'm going to look for one of those bars that wedge between door frames. Any recommendations? The ones that hook over the frame won't work for my door size.
@rdmarita Awesome! I've been doing the RR for a few months now and got my first pull-up a week or 2 ago. I'm doing 2-1-1 right now (plus 5 negatives each set). I'll try to get to 3-3-3 by the end of the month and lose another 5-10 lbs!

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