HEY, EVERYONE! November is here and it's PULL-UPS MOTIVATIONAL MONTH! Join us today!

@rdmarita I [M/30/5”9’/153lb] managed to perform my first pull-up in June. Currently I’m able to perform 9/9/8 pull-ups. My current goals is 3x20 (I thing it will take some time :). After this post I’m going to pay more attention to dead hand at the lowest position and to the hollow position.
@rdmarita M/37/6’0”/180lb

Max reps (Pull Up) 16

I’ll be trying to increase that this month, using Grease The Groove most likely, though I might try Russian Fighters and I have had a lot of success with the Barstarzz adaptation of the Armstrong Routine in the past.

Also keeping an eye on my elbow tendonitis (tennis AND golfers, what a prick) and getting the most out of my Flexbars, which I’d advise anyone who’s doing a load more pull ups this month than they normally do to do too. It’s not fun and happens when your tendons don’t catch up with your muscles quickly enough, and the chances of that happening this month are high, so take care of yourselves people.
@immd Tendonitis sucks. Deloading + high rep slow eccentric work in the end of the workout does wonders for me to avoid it. I'm deloading this week, even haha.
@rdmarita This is just what I need. I can't do pull ups yet, and it's hard to get started. I've tried several times over the last year and never seem to get where I need to be.
@aradhit You can do it! I just started seriously training my upper body like 2 months ago. I am dead set on getting a pull up (see my comment above). It's definitely hard work, but I found the advice in this sub to be really good. Just experiment with finding your place in the progressions and start from there.
@rdmarita Sweet, was looking to improve my pullups in any case.
My max is 5 but I can't maintain that over three sets yet. I'll do 5/4 then skip the final set. I'll try to grease the groove and get my numbers up, my goal would be to get 3 sets of 7 by the end of the month. I really would like to get to a set of 10 before the end of the year.
@womentake Maybe it's better to "spread" it in more sets. Like, instead of 5/4 doing 3/3/3. You don't need to go to failure every set for strength, and you can do more total volume this way. Of course 5/4 = 3/3/3, but you get what I mean.
@rdmarita Did a 3x5 of wide pull ups today after seeing this. Felt damn good. It's been a while. Going to try for 3x6 when my muscles are up for it again. Hope to try at some L-sit pullups by the end of the month!!
@ecosse Congrats! Make sure you don't rush and get injured. L-sits pull-ups are hard, but if you can do 3x5 wide I think you're not far. The hardest part is the start.
@rdmarita Male, Age 21, 185lb, 5'11
Currently working for stricter muscle ups. Been doing bwf for a year and a half. My max pull ups were 25 but I've gained about 15 pounds since then so I'm down to 20. Pull ups are my favorite exercise but I've had to stop training them for a bit due to elbow pain. Hoping to losing about 10 pounds and get my pull ups back up before PFT season starts again.
@shawn2033 IIRC from the video Daniel said so because you can do more reps like this. That's good when you wanna show off or prepping for a fitness test (unless those enforce dead hang, but I think most don't), but it sucks when you can do 10 pull-ups but barely 1 dead hang one.

There's also the question of injury and bad shoulders, which is covered in the thread. Let me know if the thread's explanation is unclear.
@shawn2033 I remember watching an old pull up video where Daniel said not to lock out elbows or deadhang and in the comments someone brought it up and he said his views had changed and that you should deadhang if your shoulders are healthy enough (i.e. no current/prior injuries or pain).