Hey gals & guys. How are these nutrient levels from blood tests looking?


New member
I think they look pretty good. But would really appreciate your insight on this as well. I know that most of you take optimal health and nutrition very seriously, with a low tolerance to anything other than supporting sustainable longevity with fitness at the center of things. The following are what I am primarily interested in. Do you think a multi-vitamin is necessary? Thanks in advance!

28 year old male, 153 pounds, 5’10”; goal is around 175 give-or-take with tone/defined lean muscle and an athletic aesthetic — genuine internal health is a must. These tests were taken after around 12 hours of fasting and being awake for just two hours. Only water and mineral water had been consumed.
  • Testosterone is 527 ng/dl. Is this an okay level for muscle growth with calisthenic-esque workouts and some weighted squatting?
  • B12 is 690 pg/mL
  • Total protein 7.8 g/dL.
  • Calcium is 9.7 mg/dL
  • Vitamin D is 35 ng/mL. 2,000 IU of D3 is consumed throughout the day; 1,000 IU upon waking up in the morning , and 1,000 IU approximately 12-13 hours later with dinner. These are taken via gel capsule.
  • HDL cholesterol is 74 mg/dL
  • LDL cholesterol is 79 mg/dL. In my opinion, HDL should ideally be higher than LDL. What do you think? Though, these levels (HDL and LDL) are not bad regardless. HDL being higher than LDL still would be beneficial.
  • Total Cholesterol is 159. Seems like it might be approaching an undesirable level. Correlates with my hypothesis about LDL and HDL.
  • Sodium is a 143 mmol/L
Any other questions, and I would be happy to share an answer. Thank you again for your time! :)

Synopsis: areas for improvements for the tests above? Is a multi-vitamin still a good idea? Any other questions?

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