HIIT workouts when cardio equipment isn’t available?

@glossdot I agree with the 500 burpees, but if you’re gonna rock climb, I’d keep to lower to 450 burpees. /s In all seriousness, burpees and the skipping are actually insanely good exercises if done with proper form.
@glossdot Sprints 10x10

Circuit training


Or workout for time

All of these are hiit and can be done anywhere

You can find a hundreds of different plans based on what equipment you have online.
@glossdot Burpees, squat jumps, Alternating lunge jumps, explosive pushups, jumping jacks each exercise 2 times each for 20 seconds at a time 10 second rest AMRAP

If you have a staircase or two that you can climb up in down in a building or outside for 10 min that is also great.
@glossdot Probably annoying to change shoes to do a quick run outside in the parking lot so I’d say burpees too because you can do them barefoot in a climbing gym and you’ll get your heart rate up.

If you do want to get outside and run, empty parking lots are great for sprints because you can use the lines as points to start/stop sprinting when alternating running and sprinting.
@glossdot Can’t you just go for a run or ride a bike or something?

In any case I kind of doubt you’ll see much benefit from only 10 minutes of “cardio”. Which system is this supposed to train? What do you want to achieve?