How are you dealing with Food inflation for the last 7 years when trying to lose weight


New member
TLDR; In 2017 I was fit, healthy, recovering from binge E.D, high carb and losing weight while spending $75 a week for one person. How do I function and lose weight with the inflation and having to buy specific brands because of my partners allergy?

I've gained a lot of weight over the last few years because of a new relationship, then career stress, then COVID happened and it's still happening for us because my partner is immunocompromised.

I want to lose the weight and maintain a healthy weight.

I'm 5'7" (170 cm)

and currently 200 lbs or (91 kg).

My ideal weight would be 140 lbs or (64 kg).


My partner has a terrible allergy to corn. In the U.S. corn byproducts are on or in a lot of products. Fruits and veggies are safe for the most part because we've found safe suppliers.

My partner and I have been vegan for 6 and 8 years, respectively.

When I lived alone from 2016-2018, I spent $75 USD every week on food. I was high carb low fat and lost 30+ lbs (14 kg) eating this way. Eating like this really helped me heal from my binge starve eating disorder.

I was eating oatmeal and or smoothies for breakfast. A veggie burger wrap and fruit for lunch, and some kind of veggie + rice or potato for dinner. I had ample snacks of fruits, dates, homemade baked good (no oil). And I was my lowest weight and fit.

Now that I live with my partner, I want to eat the same way, but the price for food has gone up so much and I can't price-shop anymore because of my partners allergies (we get specific safe brands).

The feeling of food scarcity has triggered my eating disorder for the past few years and is the reason why I've gained the weight. ----When I feel food scarcity it makes me want to not eat as long as I possibly can, and then I end up binging on HIGH saturated fat foods.---

I am a bulk eater and my partner is a grazer. They can eat a bag of chips and feel full because of the calorie content, where as I need fiber and water to feel full.

I've started a new job that will pay me enough to cover all of my living expenses but I won't get my first paycheck for another 2.5 weeks.

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