Dealing with the modern fitness industry

@mamabdog A lot of younger kids are on SARMS, which is unregulated PEDs and is currently the only legal steroid. A bunch of kids are using it and posing as fake naturals.

Also there is a rampant use of photoshop and Lifestyle fakebess among Fitness influencers. For example dan bilzeran was just recently found out to be knee deep in debt and paid for his entire lifestyle. People try their best to make it look like they have the perfect life.
@mamabdog I'll share my reasoning as probably one of the few lone enhanced users that still posts in this sub some times after adding in the super supplements a couple of years back. I had maxed all I could with my natural genetics and wanted to take things to the next level. I did with a eyes wide open it is a lifetime commitment at that point to keep the gains and potential side effects. I did it after knowing my body extremely well training and dieting as a natural. I went all the way to nationals in NPC Men's Physique and did decently well, but really wanted to pursue the pro card and the only way I am going to be competitive is going to the enhanced route.
@mamabdog First few years were pretty uneventful typical bro stuff with minimal results. After that 6 years of proper training to get there. Last 2 years of that gains trickled to pretty minimal over the course of each year.
@mamabdog For a sub that has such a hard-on for science and studies, I don't see much of it here.

The bodybuilding industry promotes unrealistic physical standards.

The bodybuilding industry promotes disordered eating.

The bodybuilding industry has, since the late 1950s, relied on models who use drugs to build their physique to market various supplements and training routines that generally offer little to no noticeable improvement.

In any other industry this is known as "fraud" and yet we simply accept this is "just how it is" or are told to "ignore it" because "they gotta make money somehow".

What this young man is describing is something endemic to this subculture, it's a cause of great suffering for many, and as a whole it serves to continue to kill the sport.
@nattyz Plenty of young guys around me feel the same way unfortunately, all the time I see 16-18 year olds coming to the gym checking the pump every 5 minutes wondering when they are going to look like Jeff Seid..
@mamabdog Everything I was gonna say has been commented by others already..

Main thing is you can’t compare yourself to others when you have no idea what their story is and how they got there.
@mamabdog You are going to be fit and muscular for life. Always improving. Always healthy.

Those guys are going to have a shorter life and lose their gains once they can’t run gear anymore due to health issues.
@mamabdog I find fitness is very personal, there are things we can all share to reach our potentials, but my potential is not yours and vise versa, especially when you’ve decided not to use gain enhancers. I had a friend when I first started training who seemed like he could hit the gym for 2 weeks and he would come out looking massive, he had no problem jumping up to enormous weights in what seemed to me superhuman time frames. I could work twice as hard and look only half as good. It bugged me for a while, but you come to accept that we are all just dealt different hands, how you play it is what matters.
@mamabdog Just remember, gains on gear aren’t sustainable unless you run A healthy dose of TRT and dont blast. Imagine running a cycle feeling amazing for 3 months then losing it all post-cycle.

As others said, what makes training natural fun is the continuous goal of sculpting your body to your ideal physique in a sustainable and healthy way.

Also, you dont need gear to have an aesthetic physique for girls lmao, you just need to be 8-12% with some muscle mass. Girls think justin bieber is jacked.., and the average person looks like shit

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