@mamabdog When feeling down, just google “10 years after taking steroids” , and you’ll see, especially long term users, wind up with horrifyingly deformed bodies.
Even look at Arnold now, I guarantee you he suffers every time he looks in the mirror knowing he will never be remotely the same size or shape he was when he was using.
Natural athletes that train into their late years and maybe eventually do HRT at 50 will never have that problem. Their body will only carry what it can long term, and will put present day Arnold to shame.
We are in it for the long haul, not to get a snapshot of the glory days to dwell on.
Plus remember how much time and money they have to invest into destroying their bodies, and almost always wind up with bad injuries especially when uneducated.
Tip: unfollow all the fake natty and blatant juicers on Instagram etc. it’s as detrimental to your mental health as girls looking at photoshopped images of thots with fake tits. Seek out and follow and network with other lifetime natural individuals.
For starters, you could follow me,
@reps.not.roids - I think I post stuff that would appeal to you and help motivate you to stay natural