How do/did u stay motivated to workout ?


New member
I'm a beginner in working out 15m and I have done it off and on for months now of 2 weeks workout 2 weeks no workout and most the time its longer than the time I did workout
So how did u stay motivated at the beginning and how do u stay motivated however long u have been doing it ?
@zastari Agreed. Motivation is fleeting, like a firestarter. Your fire can't last on it. The goal is to go from "i'm making the effort to include this in my life" to "it's part of myself".

Also try different time frame each week to find the one you prefer. I tried to work out the evening, the early morning, the afternoon. And I definitely adopted the early morning routine because I feel like I achieved something even before I start my work.
@nailed4us I'm motivated by the fear of being mobility limited in my old age.

"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." ~Socrates
@nailed4us Knowing even if you don't necessarily see a difference (because you see yourself everyday) someone who hasn't seen you in a while will.
@talten To add on to this, when I first started working out i took i took a photo of myself and after a month I took another photo and compared the two and I was able to notice some changes!
@nailed4us Have you followed the same workout program every time? Maybe you don't like that one, and you should try something new?

Maybe the time slot where you are trying to go isn't good for you. You can try evenings, mornings etc and see if there's a specific time that suits you better
@nailed4us For me, I follow different programs that incorporate cardio and strength training. I do a lot of different things to keep it interesting and I track my workouts to hold myself accountable. I also weigh myself daily to make sure I stay on track. The biggest obstacle for me in the past was getting bored, so that's why I vary my workouts now.
@nailed4us Motivation is only for getting started, and discipline is unsubstainable. You have to build habits.

Most people who think they're extremely disciplined have really just built heavily ingrained habits
@nailed4us Made it part of my routine.

I work out first thing in the morning, so I get it out of the way. I (typically) work out on the same days, the same work outs on those days. Eventually, you start to associate those days and times with working out and it feels weird not to do it. That's where some of my motivation comes from, not wanting to throw off my schedule.

That, and I'm a sucker for how my pre-workout and protein shakes taste like so i look forward to those lol.
@nailed4us For me the hardest part was the couple weeks it took to notice small improvements. Maybe my old clothes fit better due to weight lost, seeing weights increase even a couple lbs, feeling more confident naked.

Now I’m seeing more changes, I can run longer, feel stronger. Once you see the changes you want, it’s hard to stop
@nailed4us I tell myself that future-me will be thankful for my choice.

What helps me a lot is preparing things on the day before.
Shirt, pants, bottle, gloves and headphone right on the bedroom door.
@nailed4us It's not about motivation. It's about doing it regardless of not feeling like it. It's like brushing your teeth every day. Make it something that you just have to do no matter what and it'll soon become hard to take a day off.
@nailed4us Force myself to and not once have I regretted it afterwards. Always feels great, it is easy to overthink it though. I just go as if it’s another job, then almost every time afterwards I think man I’m so glad I came