How do families with young children find the time?

@ryspi76 Working from home occasionally helps immensely. I don’t really workout on days I’m in office, but I do make it a point to walk to the train after work (25 min walk). Also stand at my desk a lot
@ryspi76 Up at 530. Gym by 6. Done by 7. Home by 715. 45 mins to have breakfast with kids and get ready for work. Rinse and repeat 4 days a week. Plus 2 runs on the weekend. How bad do you want it?
@ryspi76 I get up at 4:40 to workout by 5:15-5:30 so that I can then get ready, take my kid to school, go to work, and get home.

Go for walks as a family.

Fave running/walking contests to get your heart rates up. It is great to do things like this, keeps them active as they grow too, and they understand how important it is.
@ryspi76 You have to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. It's really that simple. If your wife wants to workout then give her the time in the evening. You cook dinner and handle the pre bedtime routine while she does her thing. Doing it together with young kids at home would require both of you getting up super early and working out at home. It can be done, though.

I've struggled with morning vs evening for many years but it's always been with a home gym. I much preferred morning when the kids were young but now I prefer evenings. It may have something to do with being older now and how my body feels at different times of day. I've worked from home for the past three years and my girls drive themselves to school now, and my wife heads off to work early as well, so basically once the dog has pooped and eaten, I have the time I need. Evenings really depend on what we have going on, but most evenings I can get downstairs. But if I don't get down there by 8pm I'll talk myself out of it.
@ryspi76 I work out at home with dumbbells and videos while my kid watches TV or plays after school. I keep the mid week workouts to 30-45 minutes and do slightly longer ones on weekends. I also “make” my son (age 9) go on walks and mountain bike rides, plus a lot of summer swimming. He comes first, but mama has to keep up somehow.
@ryspi76 The gym is never an "us" activity for me and my partner (unless our kids are being babysat by grandparents on a random Saturday or Sunday). Our children and 6 and 3, so similar to yours. On weekdays (we both work and commute), we are lucky to be able to squeeze it in during our lunch hour or some other time when the work day is not as busy. Occasionally, one of us will go after dinner, and leave the other to do solo bedtime.

On weekends, we take turns leaving the other with the kids. We are both gym rats, and have come to an understanding that the gym WILL be prioritized equally and evenly for each of us. We spend enough time with each other imo, and carving out some alone time for our physical/mental well being is an absolute must in our marriage.
@ryspi76 Work fitness into your lifestyle every chance you get.

Park outings with 7 & 4 year olds.

Walking 7-10k steps while they are riding something not battery powered. Battery powered ride ins have their place but they do not wear the kids out, or burn calories, like a scooter or bike.

Fly kites - and run them up in the sky for them.

Rockets - they travel FAR. Shoot them off and race towards them!

Springs with a 10 yard staggered start. Littlest out front, the middle aged in the middle, and you at the farthest point for a full 40/50 yard sprint.

Good luck!!
@ryspi76 The wife and I make time after putting the kids down , we have a 2yo and a 9mo old and usually get to the garage where we’ve built a decent setup by 7:45pm ish most nights of the week. We’ve made it a bonding activity and usually lift together 4 days a week (upper/lower) then do our own cardio (bike/run/row) after or on rest days as much as either of us needs.

We started slow on the home gym equipment and have built it up gradually but you can get by with some adjustable dumbbells and a cheap exercise bike!

A lot of people we know ask where we find the time but the time is always there , it’s just making it a priority to find where to fit it in. The old saying “if it’s important to you you’ll find time.” The key is to both be on the same page and find time together and support each other in meeting your goals.
@ryspi76 I tried to roll stuff into my schedule when my kids where young. Bodyweight stuff and you can have the kids make stuff harder if you get good (standing on your feet for pullups, sitting on your back for pushups) Go to park and let them play and instead of standing around play on playground with them. Bring a weight vest for added resistance. Throw in some pullups/pushups/squats/animal movement etc when you are there. Spend time stretching when you at the baseball/soccer game. Work in random stuff during the day, put pullup bar over a door you go through regularly and do some pulls each time you walk by. Take the stairs slowly 2x2 deliberately using quads. Do calisthenics type stuff. Do animal movement type stuff when you go to grab stuff from the fridge. Short of it is you can do it if you get creative. Your significant other might think you have gone nuts, but you'll feel better in the long run. If you can make the gym work that is great, but with young kids you gotta roll with the punches.
@ryspi76 I have 4 kids from 1 and a half up to 15. I go right after work and train for 35 to 45 minutes. I used to go at 4 am but that's no longer necessary
@ryspi76 I know you want to do it together, but honestly my husband and I have found that separately works best, although we do very different activities and for us it's our alone time that we enjoy by ourselves. We do keep each other accountable by reminding the other one to go. If I miss a workout then I can't do it "later" because that's when my husband's time is and I'd be infringing.

We have a 1 year old, but a similar daycare schedule to yours (8:30am drop-off, 5:30pm pickup, bed from 6:30p - 7:30p depending on the day). I do Barre in the early mornings (6am) 2-3 weekdays and 9am on the weekend. Baby wakes up around the time I get back, but my husband handles him until I'm shower, dressed, ready. Then I usually take baby to daycare and pickup.

Husband has a hybrid job so on days he's home it's easier for him to go for a bike ride or jump on the trainer at lunch or before/after his work while baby is at daycare. Otherwise he'll do it after the kiddo is in bed or on weekends he'll give me advance notice if he wants to go on a long ride, just to make sure I didn't have honey-do stuff or my own plans. We just communicate a lot.

And then we don't keep snacks in the house, which probably helps the most :)
@ryspi76 Here's the magic- if you strive to be consistent in exercise, you have to treat it like an obligation to yourself. In the same way you go to work to be able to afford life for your family, you need to exercise in order to be present for them long term.

Treat the gym like it's your job. Commit to 2-3 non negotiable days/times. And make it fit. You will be compensated for your effort!

It can be early or late. Or make use of gym childcare.
@ryspi76 I think the best thing to do is start with walks and nutrition dude. You don't have to do it all. And some home body weight exercise with music and maybe get a kettlebell..