How do I eat more?


New member
I'm 5'4 125lbs, my maintenance macros seem to be 1650-1700 cals with 125g p

An acquaintance of mine is shorter than me (like maybe 5') 120lbs and her CUTTING cals are 1800. How? I'm so jealous.

She's been lifting for about 8 or 10 years while I've been lifting for 4. Is that the difference? I'm also about 5 years older than her but I try to work hard and not to blame things on hormones
@langley7 Muscle mass is a really big factor, but so is overall lifestyle.

Is this person working an active job? Do they move around a lot in their typical day? What does their training look like? And do they honest-to-god track every morsel? I personally tend to take other people's numbers with a grain of salt because I can't validate them.

If you want to eat more, it might be worth it to consider a building phase to add some more muscle mass.

Have you attempted to bump your calories up? Anecdotal, but when I move my calories up, especially after a diet, my NEAT tends to trend up to compensate and I end up maintaining. Something like MacroFactor might be great if you wanted to experiment with more calories.
@mj_1969 Thanks. I think they do more cardio than me, I don't do much.

Every time I bump up, I hate the fat gain. I've been at 1600-1700 cals for years now. I recently noticed that those were initially my cutting cals when I started lifting. I don't know how much truth there is to your metabolism slowing to match the cals that you eat. There's just too much info out there!

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