Any 4’9 - 5’0 ladies eat more than 1500 calories?

@rodneys lol tell that to my pants and scale! it's not strictly at 1300, but yeah when I count it up most days are 900-1200, and once or twice around 1500 (usually when I make pasta, because I'm italian and nothing is worth stopping my fettuccine intake).

I've heard of people's metabolisms getting really whacked at low cals, so I'm guessing/hoping that's what happened. did a reverse diet for a few weeks but as soon as I got over 1350 started putting on weight consistently.
@didyousaysomething That’s an extremely low intake so definitely check with your doctor and get a BMR test and your thyroid tested.Something is probably wrong. As I stated, it’s literally not possible to put on weight when you were eating less than a four-year-old child needs unless you have some sort of medical condition. You need to eat in a 3500 cal surplus for a week to gain 1 pound of fat. I would strongly recommend seeking medical attention as soon as you can to figure out what is going on and to get you to an intake that isn’t having a negative impact on your body like the one you’re at now eventually will.
@rodneys appreciate the concern :) I've eaten like this for years (but go through periods of poor eating habits/less exercise etc thank you grad school) and my doc has never brought it up...but they also never ask my calorie intake lol. TDEE 1362//BMR 1500 so it didn't seem that far off that eating above TDEE was putting on weight!
@didyousaysomething You have TDEE and BMR mixed up—please remember it is NEVER EVER safe to eat under your BMR. You intake cannot under any circumstances go under 1360. I would suspect your tdee is much higher if you exercise regularly as most people burn 300 cals above their BMR even without exercise
@rodneys thanks for the correction, wasn't paying close attention on mobile. also not sure why my personal experience is getting downvoted so I'd like to end this politely. I told yall what I eat, and what I do. whether my numbers and weight match what yall think should be happening is a different story -- believe me, I wish this wasn't the case either lol
@didyousaysomething I promise it’s not me downvoting! I respect not wanting to engage further, just again want to recommend talking to your doctor about the possibility of thyroid issues, and also maybe a dietician who can better explain why you should NEVER eat under 1350
@excpomelo 4 11 and eating about 1750 - which still results in losing something each week. Recovering from covid fatigue so not very active right now, but I have a lot of muscle on me.

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