How do you find time to get in 10k steps a day? (Plus a general question about time management.)

@bham I try to go for a 15 minute walk after dinner each night. Not only does it help with digestion but you’ll log about 1200 or so extra steps!

On top of that I tend to park at the back of parking lots, pace when I’m resting between sets at the gym, pace back and forth when I cook etc. if you’re at the laundromat you could go for a walk while you wait for your laundry? Or pace back and forth while you listen to an audio book!
@bham I do a walk either before or after every meal. If I’m at home I pace while on the phone or waiting for files to process. At the office I do a full lap around the building every time I get up to go to the bathroom and then walk to the train station a few stops away.
@bham I hit around 8k-9k steps per day by walking to work and back, I’m in a metro area as well. When I’m at the gym I usually get in more steps if I’m doing leg days that include lunges etc. also I really like doing shadowboxing classes on the peloton phone app, because you are moving back and forth a lot that adds even more steps. 5-7k steps is already a great amount so if you add in a few more small workouts that include moving around you’ll be good to go!
@adriana28 Thanks for the reminder that 5,000-7,000 os already a good chunk!

I think when it comes to fitness, it’s hard not to get stuck into an all or nothing mentality.
@bham I don't do any thing much just go to work and back and normal house chores I can manage 8 k in that easily...if I do and actual walk add about 6 k to's really not that hard if u keep wearing the measuring device.

P.s I am saying this as someone who has a computer based job.
@bham I take my dogs for a walk every morning which usually knocks out 5-7k right off the bat. By end of day, I pretty much walk in place or go for another quick dog walk if I have steps left to fulfill!
@bham For me, going to bed at an earlier time and waking up at anywhere between 4:30-5:30 am is very helpful to get in anywhere from 6-9k steps in before 8 am. All I do is just walk laps around the downstairs portion of my house, and in the summer time I wake up at 4 and am out the door by 5 to get a long walk in.

When I first got my Fitbit I wore it on my wrist, but then I got the idea to put it around my ankle and am now more accurately counting steps that way. When it comes to tracking steps, your hands could be still but feet moving and it seems like you are walking less than you actually are. For instance, I hold my phone and read/watch videos while I walk so my arm isn’t moving which gives me an inaccurate step count. You might actually be getting in more steps than you think. Try wearing your tracker on your ankle for a week and see if your average step count goes up :)
@bham I know the struggle. I work from home and if I don't exercise, I get around 3k steps max. I also don't like gyms so I only do home workouts.

What I started doing was walking/jogging in place while I watch TV. I have a small space so I walk forward and backwards, or run forwards and backwards - all while watching my shows! It gets your heart rate up and you get steps in. I read somewhere that the backwards exercises help work out underutilized muscles and joints.

Over time I incorporated weights and workouts with dumbbells or kettlebells, and I do those all while watching a show or movie.

I get a lot of workout ideas and inspiration from IG so I'm adding diversity to my workouts.

Hope this helps! I was once too a lazy couch potato. Starting small really helped to motivate me to get fit, and now I have no problem getting over 10k steps a day.
@bham I take on average 12-19k steps a day on top of my workouts. But I’m a SAHM and I take my kid on long walks daily. Can you wake up earlier?
@bham Back when I worked in a deli I’d get 10k+ on a busy day easily. Now I spend a lot of time at a desk. Guess which job I was thinner at 😖