How do you get a smaller waist ?!!! I’m stuck

@tomarnold Muscle building . I'm 5 and I use to weigh 160, I'm down to 140 now but have been strength training for the last two months and even though the scale is the same I've lost more inches too.
@tomarnold Good to know I'm not the only one with this problem! I agree it's mostly a matter of genetics and bone structure. I'm your height, and I didn't have a 25 inch waist until I got down to 98 pounds, which was damn near impossible for me to maintain. Short torso + wide ribcage = not a tiny waist.
@tomarnold At the end of the day, your waist is pretty much genetic. At my thinnest I was 107 at 5’2” and 17% body fat, and my waist does not get below 26”. That’s just how I’m genetically built. 27 is still a thin waist!

But what you can do is build other parts of your body to make it look thinner. Built your shoulders (especially deltoids), your lats, and your hips up and the increased volume there will make your waist look smaller by comparison.
@tomarnold I’m 121 at 5’2 and my waist is 25.5”.
I weight train and it makes all the difference in the world! You should look into a high protein and lifting heavy.

Also, are you measuring your waist at the smallest part of your body?

Google a TDEE calculator and figure out how much calories you should be eating.

Then calculate your macros:

15-20% BF = 1.1g/lb
body weight
21-30% BF = 1g/lb body
31-35% BF = 0.9-1g/lb
body weight
36-40% BF = 0.7-0.8/1b
body weight
41-50% BF = 0.5-0.6/lb
body weight

(daily calorie target X
.27) /9
hecause there are 9
calories per gram of fat
multiply protein macros
by 4 to get total calories
for later on
1g per 1lb body weight
(daily calorie target X
grams protein
because there are o
multiply protein macros by
calories per gram of fat
4 to get total calories for
later on
1-1.1g per 1lb body weight
grams of protein
*(daily calorie target X
•27-.30) /9
because there are 9
calories per gram of fat
multiply protein macros by
4 to get total calories for
Water on
You can test using a higher or lower
&- fat ratios. and nick what matches

Take Total Calories -
Protein Calories - Fat
calories = Remaining
Calories / 4 = Grams
Carbs Daily

So for example:

Example #3
5'2, 19olb female,
age 33
goal is weight loss
Cals from TEE calculator =2381
-500 calorie deficit = 1881

Protein: 190 × 0.7 = rounded to
135g protein daily = 540
1881 × 0.27 = 507 cals
507/9 = Rounds to 558
fat daily
Carbs: 1881-540-507=833 cals
833/4 = Rounds to 210g
Final Macros: 135P/210C/55F

You’ll also want to do 3x HIIT workouts and weight train 4-5x a week while lifting heavy.
@tomarnold I feel like this is probably genetics. 110 and 5'1'' is pretty tiny. I'm 5'1 3/4'' and ~113 lbs. My waist is a 23-24 but it pretty much always stays around that because of the way my body is naturally. My ribs are huge but short, and my hips are also huge. Genetics for sure.