Petite girls is it true our calorie deficits are smaller?

@dawn16 For a petite person not everyone is going to be able to lose weight at 2350. I would gain weight rapidly if I ate that amount. Everyone’s body is different and different experiences
@buddysmumoz I wasn’t saying she should eat 2350 calories, just that she try reverse dieting to cut at above 1200 calories. My stats are pure anecdote of the power of the reverse diet
@dawn16 Calories are so highly individual though. I gained a bunch of muscles and I’m now losing weight fairly easy right now eating 1700 kcal while last year I had to stay under 1500 to even lose something
@gwynabeth A reverse diet is usually done at the end of a weight loss period. You slowly increase calories over a long period of time so your body adapts. You can increase you “base” or maintenance calories this way. Because it’s slow and controlled, it helps to prevent rebound weight gain after dieting as well. I personally would find a coach experienced with it for help, although some use the Carbon app for this with success
@armour_101 Hey I am your same height and about 4 years younger than you. I eat about 1500 calories a day and walk about 8-12k steps a day (usually average around 10k.) I lift pretty light 2-4x a week and I perfectly maintain my body weight of 108 lbs at 1500 calories and about 70-80g of protein a day to give you some idea. I look athletic and lean like Shakira in her 2020 Super Bowl performance
@armour_101 No prob! I think it’s more complicated than if it’s “good” or “bad” to eat 1200 or 1300 or 1500 or 1800 calories per day. But I do like that sub and I’ve been eating within that same range myself lately (I’m 5 ft tall). Maybe talk to a trainer about this at your gym for help or get in touch with a nutritionist if you can
@armour_101 I don’t know your current weight but yeah our deficit won’t be as much as someone a foot taller than us.

I lose weight at 1500-1700 calories. No need to starve and exhaust yourself