How do you get time to workout as a new mom?

Well, the question is in the headline.

Before birth, I was working out 3 times a week, 1-1/2 hour each time. And I really loved it. To exercise is important for my well-being and my mental health.

I have really tried since having a baby (now 9 months old), but it’s difficult to get the time in a schedule that involves both my job and “mom-duties”. I’ve just cancelled my membership of the gym, which makes me sad, but I don’t want to pay for something I use maybe 3 times monthly.

I’ve tried to stress this for my husband, but he doesn’t think exercise is important. He rather think I would be happy going out etc.

So - all you working-out moms, how do you manage?
@ilovethelordgear By not going to the gym 6 times a week.

I don't get it. For some people it's either everyday or no day

Pick 3 non consecutive days of the week, that you want to sacrifice for your workouts. On these 3 days, you will cut all forms of entertainment needed in order to fit time in for a workout. So you might want to cut down on TV, staying up late, etc.

Pro tip, if despite this you're still not able to get enough time at a stretch, but in bits and pieces, segregate your workouts into two different sessions in a day.

Now, to be able to really get fit, you need to prioritise strength training over cardio, if you want your metabolism to remain high and your fat loss abilities to improve. This involves any form of resistance training from bodyweight to weight training.

But if you don't have a gym nearby, I'd recommend investing into a pair of 50 pound/hand adjustable dumbbells (adjustable is the key word here).

I recommend you look into this workout called All Pros. You can find a thread on the bodybuilding forum.

Their exercises have a barbell in mind and hence I recommend a gym, but I'm sure you can swap with appropriate dumbbell variants. Alternatively you could checkout the r/fitness wiki to find out suitable dumbbell only routines.
@dawn16 No I didn't read the entire post actually, my bad

Well, if it was already 3 times a week, any lower than that is a bit too less. She should segregate into two sessions or use supersets etc.
@ilovethelordgear As a working Dad I've had success with higher frequency workouts for less time. 6 days a week for 25 minutes is easier to fit in than 3 times for an hour or more. It also really helps to build a program you can do from home so you save on travel time and can do it while the kids are sleeping.
@ilovethelordgear I’m a mom of an 18 month old and it’s essentially taken me until now to get a solid workout routine in - so I feel you, it’s really hard. My husband is big on working out though, so we invested in an airdyne bike.

It’s made all the difference for me because now I can do ten- thirty minutes of high intensity intervals and feel like I got a really solid workout. I’ve been doing that 3+ days per week for the last three months and have seen huge improvements physically and mentally.

When my little one was smaller and would sit in a stroller I would take her on jogs/runs at the park. She loved being outside and I got a workout in, win-win!