How do you know when not to do a second crossfit workout in the same day?

@truthnotfiction I've started a new work schedule that allows me to work out in the morning. There's been a couple times (yesterday was one) where I scaled the WOD more than I might have needed to, and I've been tempted to re-do at heavier weight or higher reps or whatever the scaling was in the evening workout.
@truthnotfiction I do it by feel. I train 6 days a week and double up 2 or 3 days depending on feel. On days I don't double I often do a run.

The regular workouts are programming which last 1.5-2.5 hours and the second is a class at a different gym where my kid is training. I have to check out the WOD if it is not overworking same muscles from morning.
Just so you know, the second workout is an Olympic Lifting class and is only offered on Wednesdays. And I always take Saturdays and Sundays off. In the past ten years, I was doing tri stuff until my sciatica sidelined me for about a year. I started CF in February, took June-Aug off, and started back in September (the lifting cured my sciatica). I turned 54 last week and did a double (WOD and Olympic Lifting) last Wednesday as a gift to myself and felt amazing, got a six pack and everything. But, I’m afraid of doing something that will send me back to PT (and the couch) for months.

I’m gonna chill today. There will be more tomorrow.
@truthnotfiction My gym also offers a strength-based workout on certain days and depending on the workout, I double up and do my CF WOD right before doing the strength session. I'll skip it if the workout is too similar to the WOD but otherwise, doubling up feels great!
@truthnotfiction on reading this, i would do the olympic lifting class too and just scale the previous wod - it's the fact you can't predict the wod to aid recovery/avoid overtraining that's a bit annoying but you know your body :)
@truthnotfiction If I were taking an oly class, I would probably not workout that morning an just focus on the oly class. Maybe I would do a bike ride, row, or light run to keep moving, but nothing strenuous.

Oly class is actual training...CF wods are just working out...not training.

Training trumps working out in my book.
@truthnotfiction Keep in mind CrossFit never intended for you to do 2(or more) workouts a day.

The core of CrossFit is you pour so much into your one workout (intensity) that there's nothing left for more. Intensity is the shortcut to results!

Unless you want to compete, just pour everything you have into that 1 hour and enjoy the rest of your day!