How is this routine and how fast should I get results:


New member
Given that I have been taking creatine and whey protein regularly and have been doing this new routine for about 4 days (I feel like shite), how long should I see results? And as a bonus, would this routine help me with being athletic, I am 6'2" and have been trying my hand at basketball because the high school sports fest is in like 4 months. If it could be fixed, how can I modify it?

Monday- Chest, Triceps, Front Delts, Plyometrics

Tuesday- Back, Biceps, Rear Delts

Wednesday- Plyometrics

Thursday- Lateral Delts, Traps, Abs, Forearms

Friday- Chest, Triceps, Front Delts, Plyometrics

Saturday- Back, Biceps, Rear Delts

Sunday- Lateral Delts, Traps, Abs, Forearms, Plyometrics



15° Incline Dumbbell Press

Bench Press

Cable Fly

Decline Dumbbell Press


Overhead Cable Extension

Tricep Pushdown

Dumbbell Front Raise


Loaded Decals


Depth Jumps

Pogo Jumps

Split Jumps

U Hops

Linear jumps


Lat Pulldowns

1 Arm Cable Row

Chest Supported Dumbell Row


Alt. Standing DB Curls

Concentration Curls

Hammer Curls


Incline Rear Delt Swing


Loaded Decals


Depth Jumps

Pogo Jumps

Split Jumps

U Hops

Linear jumps


Lateral Raises

Barbell Shrugs

Face Pull Press

Back Widows Reps

Hanging Leg Raise

Reverse Crunches

High to Low Cable Woodchoppers

Weighted Crunches

Serratus Jabs

Reverse Grip Concentration Curls

Reverse Barbel Wrist Curls

Behind the Back Wrist Curls

Wrist Rotations



15° Incline Dumbbell Press

Bench Press

Cable Fly

Decline Dumbbell Press


Overhead Cable Extension

Lying Tricep Extension

Dumbbell Front Raise


Loaded Decals


Depth Jumps

Pogo Jumps

Split Jumps

U Hops

Linear jumps


Lat Pulldowns

1 Arm Cable Row

Chest Supported Dumbell Row


Alt. Standing DB Curls

Concentration Curls

Hammer Curls


Incline Rear Delt Swing



Lateral Raises

Barbell Shrugs

Face Pull Press

Back Widows Reps

Hanging Leg Raise

Reverse Crunches

High to Low Cable Woodchoppers

Weighted Crunches

Serratus Jabs

Reverse Grip Concentration Curls

Reverse Barbel Wrist Curls

Behind the Back Wrist Curls

Wrist Rotations


Loaded Decals


Depth Jumps

Pogo Jumps

Split Jumps

U Hops

Linear jumps
@moemoes I can't say I even know all these exercises. It's a lot. You will probably burn off all your extra calories performing them and have nothing left to build muscle with.

I would stick to more basic exercises and focus on getting good at those. Strength is a skill.

If I were you, I would build my program something like bench press, military press, deadlifts, squats, pullups, some row variation, and then cardio.

Say you do chest and shoulders Monday. Do bench press and military press. You can just do an incline bench if you like. Then you can do maybe lat raises and flies or dips or something and finish with a triceps exercise. There. Chest, shoulders, and triceps done.

Tuesday back and biceps. Simple stuff. Deadlifts is focus today. Then you do chin-ups for your upper back and biceps and finish off with a row and maybe straight arm pulldowns or similar.

Wednesday legs. Squats is focus. So start with that and then you can fiddle around with maybe some machines like leg curls and leg extensions and maybe a calf press.

Then you take a day off, some cardio, maybe a long, nice walk. I like swimming personally, but yeah, something you enjoy. It's also an option to do absolutely nothing. But I recommend you stay somewhat active. It's better to keep your momentum. You'll find it easier to get back to the gym.

Then you start over.

You can keep the basic exercises forever. You can tweak them, experiment with tempo, do more reps, add weight (of course 😉) and so on.

The less I have to focus on, the better I can get at it.

About diet. I have always been skeptical about these powders the supplement industry is trying to sell us. I would stick to food if I was you. Creatine I do believe in and I take it daily and has done so for many years. But those protein powders? Do your own reading on it, but even if you are a serious bodybuilder, you can look at those really big steroid guys and ylsee what they eat. From my understanding, they eat whole foods, because it is the best. Cottage cheese is fairly cheap, atleast where I live. Eggs are cheap, and is pretty much the perfect food to build muscle, canned tuna is good, and so on. I am a firm believer that there is NO WAY a grown human can absorb 1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight (or whatever they say) unless their protein synthesis is turned on all the time, which it is not unless you juice.
25% of your total calorie intake should be protein.

Drink a lot of water and get plenty of sleep.

My suggestions. Good luck 💪

/Old Guy
@jaheim So as a general rule of thumb, how many exercises per muscle group should I do a day to get quick results?'

Thanks for the advice so far by the way.
@moemoes I also forgot abs and hip flexors and rear deltoids. I have them in my warmup routine, so I forget them all the time when I talk and think about training.

Well, I take it you are young and might (probably) recover fast, so maybe 20 sets per muscle group each week.

How fast you build muscle will be dependent on how fast you recover. But as long as you sleep well, you can do quite a bit.

Try 10 sets per muscle group 2 times a week. So for example, five sets of bench and five sets of dips each chest-session. Or 6 sets of bench and 4 of dips.

It's a journey to get to know your own body.

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