How long does it take to get to body like this ?


New member
Currently i can do like 10.5 pull ups with not strict form. With strict form, I can only do 5-6. Push ups maybe from 30-45/46 in a row. I can do maybe 20, rest 2-3 minutes, and maybe another 20, same rest and the next set probably only 17/16 and so on.

I’ve just started to go to the gym recently. Drg my push day, i did incline bench press, DB Shoulder press, lateral raises, and triceps skull crushes.

Drg my pull day, I did pull ups, bench assisted rows, bicep curl, and face pull. How long does it takes for me to get body like in the second url ?
I go to the gym 3-4 times per week. And for every session, 40 minutes to 1 hour.

This is my current body.

And this is the body that I want to achieve:

P.S : its been 4 days since I posted this. To sump up, I need to pay closer attention to my diet and in addition to that, I'm thinking of adding maybe like 15-20 mins of cardio, long walk or slow jog of 1-2 times per week. If I have time, I'll try to do 2. At the same time, I need to continue my workout routine as usual.

I am giving myselves from 4-9 months. Thank you so much guys for taking the time to give me advices and sharing your amazing insights ! Really appreciate it!

And to that, let's continue the journey, make progress and we'll get there together ! Thank you so much guys !
@olliegen Oh, I was expecting something far harder to achieve.

1 year of strict diet and hypertrophy based muscle training.

You basically just need to lose lots of weight and get the noobygains, everyone has when starting fitness in the first year.
@anonymous316 Oo so thats the expected timeline. Initially my main goal is to build muscle and improve strength until around october before start to cut and see results hopefully in december. In any case I have a time buffer until at the end of march next year.

I started doing only push ups since march last year until around september/october. Started with 12 reps of 3 sets until 7-8 sets of 12 reps. Then in october, i started training pull ups. From not being able to do even 1 pull up to now 10.5 not strict form pull ups, 5-6 strict form pull ups
@olliegen Personally, I wouldn’t try to bulk like crazy. The dude in the pic is not that buff, and “bulking” is an easy way to justify eating whatever.

Keep an eye on food intake (start by cutting empty calories), keep working out, preferably with full-body movements, and you’ll be there before a year.

Start bulking, and you’ll get stronger (likely), but will not really move towards the waist in the pic.
@olliegen You'll benefit more from doing only strict form even if that means less reps. Same applies to any exercises, full rom and strict form, short term is an ego hit, long term is better gains, injury prevention and less weaknesses.

For what you aim to achieve, losing bf % will make the biggest difference in looks for you. Track your calories and be smart about what you eat. With good training, diet and rest (you grow when you rest) you'll be there in no time.

Check the recommended routine, I've been doing only that for the last year (with a 6month break) and I've seen a lot of progress in strength. Can share videos and pics of progress and form if you want
@olliegen Eat in a slight caloric deficit (about 200 kcal - make sure you lose 0.5-1.0 pound per week), but keep your proteine high (1 gram per pound of body weight). I am personally cutting a bit down on carbs and up the fats. Don't get too obsessed over counting macros, just make sure you eat healthy things.

Do full body workouts 3 times a week.

I personally think you should get to your goal in 6-9 months.
@pdg90601 This. The difference between those two images are 95% diet (body fat). And the goal pic has a little ab flex in it too. Keep your workouts up but be most mindful of diet. Just cut out whatever trashy food that’s not important to you and it’s a fairly easy road to travel for caloric deficit. The protein on the other hand can become a part time job, but important.
@jzhanglsw Tbf, everyone here is way overestimating how much protein is needed. Eating 1 gram per pound of body weight is insane and basically speedrunning getting cancer.

Eat 1 g of protein for every .6-.8 kilos of body weight. That is plenty to support muscle building while eating at a caloric deficit.
@olliegen If you are eating at a reasonable deficit and working out regularly at all you should be able to get to there without thinking about bulking or cutting.

Nooby gains and the muscle base you already have are more than enough for a physique like that. The hardest part will for sure be getting down to sub 20% body fat to where you can see your abs, so make that the long term goal and don't compramise diet for other ancillary goals like prs or feats of strength.

Tho most people find that once they really are working out their goal physique changes a lot. Perspective is the mind killer.
@anonymous316 …plus the right/appropriate expectation for goal physique. It’s unlikely OP’s (insert muscle group) is going to look exactly like that, even with optimal diet and training, as everyones’ musculature and anthropometrics is going to look a little different.
@olliegen In 212 days, 14 hours, 23 mins and 59 sec.

But seriously, nobody can tell you that. Has to do with genetics, your diet (the guy has low body fat) and how hard you work.
@whalstib this, and I'd like to highlight how important genetics are, some people struggle to get low body fat and become misreable because it requires a highly restrictive diet, consider your mental health as well as your physical, your current body fat is healthy, if your genetics make it hard to have extremely low body fat then prioratize your health over looks.

Same goes for muscle, some people can't grow big because of genetics, and that's okay
@kaylove1 Yeah, I got to 60kg at 170/5'7 but still got belly fat, then I just focus more on building muscle and my belly is finally starting to disappear slowly.
@olliegen Your goal is more diet orientated. Dude looks to be between 10-15% body fat. Also, you won't look like him, your natural body shape is just different, in terms of waist to shoulder ratio.

I wouldn't say you are super far away from him. The slowest part is to build muscle. Losing fat is not super rough timewise.

There's no time lines because it all depends on how good your body responds, how consistent you are, how well you train, rest and eat. I'd you could be one bulk/cut cycle away from that. Again, not same body shape, but in terms of muscle/fat.