How long does it take to get to body like this ?

@olliegen I'm more muscular than the body you are trying to achieve and have about the same pull up numbers. Pushups I'm nowhere near 30-45 in a row with proper form and proper tempo.

How many proper form, deep stretch dips with good tempo can you do? If you want to build your chest, IMO, dips will be a better chest builder than pushups. What's your volume like for your training?
@olliegen Depends on a lot of factors. There’s no one size fits all answer to how long that will take, because genetics/hormone levels can play as much of a role as dedication/diet/exercise/rest.

But… Unless something’s badly up, as you get into shape, your recovery will get faster due to conditioning. Once you’re through the first few months of hell, it will get easier, and more enjoyable. So even if things don’t seem to happen rapidly after the first couple of months, stick at it.
@olliegen I've gotta just ask your BF%, BMI, and muscle mass now? It seems to me your diet must be really out of wack to be doing that much with little to no visible muscle mass. I mean no offense whatsoever, but it seems like it's all about what you're eating.
@olliegen You have the body you want already, or at least 95% of it. Or rather I should say you have 115% of it.

The workout is great, keep it up. Focus on “strict form” over quantity, and you can use an assist machine or bands for modified pull ups to failure after sets of strict have you exhausted. I’d shoot for 100 push-ups/ day as a base goal, then build onto that until you get to 200, then check and see how that feels/looks to you. You can also start inclining your feet to get more out of each pushup. For example, if you can do 40 push-ups on flat floor, try instead 25-30 with your feet on a chair. Saves time, and you can start going higher, feet on tailgate of truck or on a counter, maybe if you feel ambitious get to handstand push-ups? (But then it’s more shoulders than chest)

But to get that body, you need to lower your body fat percentage. Get some callipers for $12 off Amazon and measure your body fat. I’m just going to do a rough guess and say you need to reduce by 8%-10%.

That will bring out your abs, the Adonis belt, and improve the definition on your arms, legs, and chest.
@olliegen everyone’s different but it took me about 2-3 months to make this kind of progress with proper training enough protien and sufficient calorie intake
@olliegen Hey man, dont worry too much about how you look. That's not uow this works. Your body looks jow it looks, losing weight and gaining muscle will make you look good but you might not have that guy's proportions. Worry about just that: working to failure, progressing your main movements, giving your body plenty of protein (like 0.7-0.8g/lb bw, so like 1.6g/kg I think), eating your veggies. Do one at a time, so dont try to cut calories now and just focus on fueling your body with healthy nourishing foods that taste good and keep you happy while you train.

Have fun with it! Stop looking for results, just forget why you're even training and just focus on little baby goals. Then after a while you can start cutting calories. Now, you'll get real hungry so what you're gonna do is eat a BUNCH of veggies like leafy greens, like massive salads and stuff. The amount of food helps you feel a little fuller while still cutting on calories. Still get your protein; your cut shouldnt be too noticeable and your protein intake shouldnt change too much.

And don't skip your cardio. Do something you like and do it enough that you get the benefits without getting in the way of your training.

This sounds simple because it is. Sets and reps dont matter yet. Specific macros are kinda important but honestly just being mindful of your eating habits is an upgrade for most people. Just work and make sure it's hard, and you work close to failure in your movements and you will get better! And then one day, you'll find this picture again and realize you like the way you look even better than that guy. It'll happen quicker than you think.
@olliegen It's less of a case of how long it will take and more a case of what it will take.

In the sense that it would be virtually impossible to tell you how long it would take because there's too many variables that make that impossible to guage; such as diet, body composition, workout regime, intensity and frequency of diet, basal metabolic rate, etc, etc.

I can give you a vague breakdown of what it will take to achieve a physique like that, and that's dedication and discipline. It will take more than just pull ups and pushups to achieve a physique like that, they mainly build lats and pecs. What it will take is for you to train in the gym 3-4 times a week for 1-2 hours at a time, you will need to do some resistance training (weights and machines) that target the muscles you're looking to build. You will also need to incorporate some cardio, as your desired physique has much lower body fat than what you currently have and resistance training does not burn fat, a low sugar diet and a good cardio routine is the only effective way to lose excess body fat. You want to make sure you're eating a lot of protein and avoiding alcohol, as alcohol destroys muscle recovery.

Train consistently and put the right things in your body and eventually you will start to see the changes you're hoping for. It won't happen right away, I can't tell you when it will happen but it will happen eventually, it is impossible to exercise regularly and consistently and eat the right diet and see no progress at all. I'd say give it six months, you most likely won't have your desired body but the progress will become apparent, and that will motivate you to keep going.