How much money per month do you invest on fitness?

@defd2000 I spend $30/mo on aviron membership and $24 a month on peloton

I have spent around $7k on gym equipment for my basement so i could cancel my gym membership. Most of that cost was my wifes treadmill and my rower. Weights and balls and things were probably $2k total. I got a lot of things second hand
@defd2000 I just learned that a community center near me has a fitness center with weights that we can use for free. They do have a schedule of when we can go in and the weights are pretty basic, but I think it's enough for me. It looks like they have dumbbells that go up to maybe 60 pounds, a Smith machine, barbell, bench press and weight plates that go up to 30lbs. Not the best if you want to be a power lifter but I think it's enough for the average person to build strength. See if a community center near you has something similar for free.

If you want to stay at home you can buy resistance bands that are pretty affordable. Even water jugs can provide some resistance if you're just starting out and don't want to spend too much money now.

As for food, I don't think you need to get too fancy about what you eat as long as you're hitting your macros. I get my protein mostly from beans, canned tuna, ground turkey, eggs, frozen fish, chicken thighs, sausage, steak if it's on sale, tofu, edamame, lentils. I do have some protein powder but I don't use it that much. Just one scoop into my overnight oats and casein at night.

I don't have an exact number of how much I spend. Gym for krav maga and striking is $175/month, I strength train at home right now for the most part, groceries if I had to guess $300-400/month? I spend about $60/week on groceries and then I'll go to Costco about once every couple weeks and spend $300 each time I go but it isn't all on groceries. I almost never eat out and I barely drink now and I have no kids, so I'm comfortable with how I'm spending.
@defd2000 Yes! I use 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 scoop vanilla milkshake premier protein powder, 1 TBLS chia seeds, 3/4cup almond milk. Stir it up, let it sit overnight and add fruit and yogurt if I have some.

I've been boiling my own beans too and I like that a lot. If you need some flavor, just add some salt when it's done boiling or pan fry it with salt and garlic powder. If you're short on time you can throw them in the slow cooker overnight and have a lot of beans in the morning. I'll use half a batch over the next few days and freeze the other half for next time. A 1lb bag costs around a dollar and lasts me about two weeks versus one can for $1 lasting only two meals.
@defd2000 $24.50/mo in the U.S. and ~$80/mo in Tokyo for one gym membership. Add $50-100 for an annual fee.

I use decade old, battered clothes or company swag. I wear Converse shoes until there are holes in the soles as it’s an exclusively used at the gym.

Pre workout, various supplements, and protein powders are routinely purchased in bulk (1-5 lbs) when on sale ($10-50/tub). If nothing is available then the minimum is whey, creatine and coffee.

May invest into a BJJ, Muay Thai, Kickboxing gym short-term. Add ~$200/mo.

Food staples are chicken breast, whole eggs, seasonal vegetables/frozen vegetables (e.g. broccoli), almonds, plain Greek yogurt, frozen blueberries, quinoa/oats, and sweet potatoes.
@defd2000 My gym is £100 per month and I have 1 pt session per week, just to check in, check my form, ask questions etc. this set me back £25 per week. So £200 all in.

Food I have no idea to be honest. Probably about £200 for my home made meals.
@defd2000 £25 a month gym membership. I have very basic equipment at home (pull up bar, dip bars, kettlebells) that probably all cost £300 but I’ve had them for at least 8+ years. Protein, Creatine, vitamins, supplements, natty+ probably about £20-50 a month if that.

The money you’re spending is crazy to me.

What kind of gym classes are you taking that are going to build muscle mass?
@savannahmary I know 🥲🥲🥲.

It's just the regular 5x5 lifting class with barbells, nothing fancy. But I'm pretty much a noob, so I like having someone correcting my forms and making sure I don't hurt myself doing it.

And then they also offer boxing classes. I enjoy that even more than the lifting!
@defd2000 What kind of classes are you taking? And for $225 is it like an Equinox or Lifetime cause if that's the case that's cheaper than a single Lifetime membership where I live.
@life84 It's a group class for cardio boxing, lifting, and circuit. $225 is their unlimited monthly plan and I go to their lifting class 3x1hr/week and boxing 2x1hr/week.

It's not like an equinox, just a small neighborhood gym. I checked other more branded/newer boxing gyms around me and they are priced about the same.

I can def downgrade to 8 classes a month and cut the price in half. Looking at the other comments here, I think I might just do that 😁.
@defd2000 That sounds very reasonable for what you're getting in L.A. especially. That's about $11 a class. I currently go to a studio for bootcamps and that is the about what I pay. In response to your initial question I pay $150 up front and then just subtract as I go which is typically twice a week and Saturday if the weather prevents me from being outside. I pay $12 for my county gym and $12 a month for 24 Hour Fitness. I bought a spin bike during Covid. I use the Peloton app for $12 a month. They have some great strength classes on there. I have Bowflex adjustable weights, two kettlebells, couple random weights. I did invest in other stuff, rack, trap bar, etc., but honestly get a lot of stuff done without even using it. I also pay $17 a month for Classpass so I can take a 2-3 classes a month or spa treatment in my area with those credits cause I like trying new things. As far as supplements and even healthy food, Costco and sales on proteins for example. I'll just freeze. A couple free youtube providers I like are Juice & Toya and Larie Midkiff. Found them initially on IG. It does take some trial and error to find what you like.
@defd2000 Monthly:

$40: PL Gym

$80: Climbing Gym

$200: Coaching (diet + PL)

$40: Supplements (mostly just protein)

$360: Total

Does not include: Cost of eating 90% clean, whole foods since that’s what I’d do anyways. Probably an extra $200/month though above eating like shit.
@defd2000 Between gym membership, some protein and creatine, I probably spend $150 a month? More or less.

My gym is nothing special but it’s got free childcare for 2 hours at a time whenever I’m there and it’s only $75 a month. I would easily spend double on gym membership if I had to.
@defd2000 Protein powder is a convenience but not a necessity. Chicken breast is very high in protein and makes it easy to reach my protein needs for the day. It’s relatively cheap. You also probably don’t need unlimited classes if you want to build muscle. Find a hypertrophy program and stick to that.

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