How much muscle can I gain in a year and 9 months at 14 years old if I wasn’t very active before?I also stuck to a pretty bad diet

@repairba I'm not a super gym person... I'm actually pretty lazy, but in three months of only doing push-ups and situps three times a week (30 of each). With that I noticed a difference. I never worked out before and ate badly throughout it as well.

You will notice it alot. You will have noticeable gains.
Take a picture before you start and any time you start wanting to quit take a new one and compare.

Having a better diet would help maximize your gains and ability, but doing it is enough to have a change.
@repairba You've still got a fair bit of development to go - you are going to change a lot in the next few years as your body changes into an adult.

Try to drink water throughout the day and reduce the number of sugary drinks you consume.

Not knowing what your life is like rn, you can at least try to minimise the sugar you eat (lots of hidden sugar in sauces e.g.) and endeavour to eat some veggies (at least a one-to-one amount of meat to vege) that have important nutrients to feed your muscles. For building muscles, eggs are a good source of protein but meats work too. Whatever you can get.

These are just general because an Adult has different dietary requirements compared to a child.
@repairba And also your body is still developing you’re 14 but it’s never too early to start so I would say if you have the willingness and the drive to do so get after it man 💪🏽
@repairba OK so I was once in your shoes I was 14 years old when I started working out, and I mean you’re going to have to change the way that you eat if you have a bad diet and you’re fairly skinny which is considered a ectomorph body type. I would incorporate a lot more protein make sure you’re eating eggs that’s a great source of protein. sweet potatoes brown rice but if you eat too much of that you’re going to get a what we call a dirty bulk. but also drink plenty of water. cut out all the crap food like candy cookies and other bullshit like that and I would literally just focus on calisthenic exercises by that I mean body weighted exercises such as push-ups pull-ups dips I would start out doing two sets of 10 push-ups and pull-ups to in correlation to. and once you can do that. and do them correctly by the way making sure your body is flat feet together and make sure you go all the way down and press back up once you can do 10 of those in succession in two sets. I would amp it Up to 15 repetitions once you get a good base established. Start out with that first. I promise you if you keep that up once you get comfortable you will gain muscle mass within a year’s time it’s literally just about discipline and the willingness to keep doing it trust me you’re gonna get very sore. but if you stick with it in a years time you will see a dramatic difference . I hope that helps bubba keep it up I’ll help you as much as I can keep me updated with how ur doing

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