How to eat 190g of protein a day as a vegan on a calorie deficit?

@iowakid8401 Others have stated that your protein target is a bit high.

If it can help you, this is a typical meal I eat for cut/low calorie with high protein :

Main protein sources are Seitan, TPV, Protein Powder, Tofu, beans. I usually swap the beans and lentils at lunch for protein pasta (red lentils pasta). The secret is diversification.

Good luck!
@bpf66 Maybe. I was initially taught it’s .8x1lb of total body weight.

I didn’t know I’m only supposed to go off of my lean mass ( average weight for a 5’10 guy is 175-180)

I’ve been fluctuating in between 210lbs and 267 lbs since middle school so I don’t know. 210lbs is the lowest i got when going vegan 7 years ago
@iowakid8401 After running some numbers (.8-1.5 x lean body mass), your ideal protein consumption is probably around 125g or less. Anything more than 150 is definitely overkill.

Just make sure you get at least 100g daily and aim for 125g and this should keep you from losing mass.

Additionally make sure you either consume amino acid supplements (some protein powders count) or eat a diet that has a variety of protein sources. You specifically want to consume Valine , Leucine, and Isoleucine because the amino acids are important for muscle synthesis.

Be careful on the diet you've stated. I'm in a similar boat on hitting a steep calorie deficit while doing body Recomposition for muscle synthesis. If you eat too few carbs you will feel drained and weak after training and having insufficient fat may impact weight loss hormones negatively.

I aim for at least 55g fat, and around 200g carbs and 150g or more of protein, but I am heavier and I am estimating more lean body mass than you. Also. I am probably overdoing it myself. Lol
@iowakid8401 I just ate 400 calorie block of tempeh last night and it was 45 grams of protein…..3.25 it costed from Walmart. So you just need 4 blocks a day and two scoops of protein powder and you’re good to go lol
@iowakid8401 I try to eat around 1700 calories a day, and aim to get 170 grams of protein.

Breakfast is over oats with protein powder and TVP flakes.

Lunch is vegetables, lentils, Seitan stirfry.

Dinner is either Seitan, tofu, or TVP mixed with lentils and vegetables.

Gotta throw a protein shake in there at some point in the day and you are already dangerously close to 170.

The trick is lentils for carbs almost always. Seitan or tofu, and protein powders. It’s very possible but not always the most enjoyable.
@iowakid8401 Vegan protein powders can easily have 50 grams of protein per 300 or so calories. Drink two of those a day and the other 100 will be easy to get from food.
@iowakid8401 Huel shake for breakfast = 40g 400 cal, lunch = whatever amount you eat, naked pea shake with 2 servings = 54g 240 cal, dinner = what hatever you eat, another protein shake before 9pm 54g 240 cal. The hueland shakes are 148g and 840 cal. Leaving you to fill 1400-1500 cal with whatever you want. For me as long as i hit 150g of protein then I've hit my mark, im 207lb for a reference. The huel is a huge help though, and they make a bunch of great flavors. Hope this helps.

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