How to get a Muscle-Up, 3 tips I discovered on my self taught journey [Female]

@peitho This sounds good. And I have a bar out back coming off my wall about 90cm.

So you use the wall as leverage on the way up? I’m assuming you swing forward and as you pull you use your legs to push off and up over the bar?

Sorry just trying to see it in my head
@girdyourloins How much are you swinging/kipping? I've been doing many of the exercises you mentioned and have been trying to do a strict muscle up. Watched some videos yesterday and basically everyone is at least swinging their legs/body. So maybe I had the technique wrong this whole time?
@jasmine211 I've still got a kip! But, I'm working really hard to make my reps as strict as possible, especially when doing my technique work with the bands.

As my weighted chin-up and weighted dip numbers go up, the less kippy they look and feel!

I think whenever we're trying to achieve our first of something, it might not be a strictest or sexiest as we'd like it to be, but the stronger we become and the more we refine the skill the more strict they will become! 💪🏼

I hope this helps! ☺️
@niceguy4jesus Thank you so much for your kind words! 😊

I follow a lot of female athletes over in the Netherlands, and they are strong AF! 💪🏼 The street-lifting scene is really taking off there. Nadine Hettinga was my inspiration for achieving my first muscle up! She's amazingly strong!

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