How to get going to the gym???


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The title.

I have a good and healthy diet so my food isn’t a problem. But I can’t get myself to go to the gym no matter how hard I try. Out of 6 days I only end up going 2-3 days and it’s a waste of my money too. But I really need to lose weight for my health.

How do I get myself going to the gym?
@alenharry You can lose weight without any exercise - weight is mostly lost at the dinner table. If you don’t lose weight your diet and food absolutely are the problem.

3 days per week is more than enough. Pick one of the proven, working full body routines found in the wiki
@anonymous18 Since 2021, when I found out my unhealthy eating was the problem I gradually fixed it and now I’m following a very healthy eating routine. I always eat salads so as to not get my glucose spike and I eat plenty of protein and fibers and minerals. But only till recently could I lose weight by only diet. Nowadays without exercise my weight is just stagnant. It’s not increasing but it’s not decreasing either. So I thought that stress was the problem but I’m not sure where I’m getting that stress from. Cuz if it’s from my studies then I can’t help it. Since studying and stress come together. So I’m at a roadblock. I need to find my will and my reason but I don’t know how.
@alenharry Take a look at the wiki linked by the bot. Plenty of free apps available for tracking calories. You can eat too much of the "healthy" foods, as well, and you'll gain weight doing that.

500 calorie deficit per day is roughly 0.5 kg lost per week
@alenharry I had a really REALLY hard time with this, and it took about 6 months of absolutely forcing myself to go before it became a habit. Most people take about 30 days to form a habit, and my stupid brain took 6 MONTHS before the routine became normal.

I hate to say it, but if you have a stubborn personality like myself, you just have to accept that you will be unhappy and frustrated until something clicks in your brain. Know that it is good for you, and there is a reason that pretty much every successful person has a 1 hour workout blocked off on their schedule. (That's what I kept telling myself).

For me, in retrospect, I think I was discouraged at how out of shape I was. I'd try to run a mile, and get winded instantly. I'd try to do pushups, but could barely do 5. That felt bad, but one day I ran a mile, and felt stronger. I started being able to do basic things, and the progress made me continue to go.

Push yourself! A little bit of discomfort is important because that's what makes it feel rewarding in the long run.

Rest days are equally important as well for recovery.
@alenharry Honestly from your comments I hear a lot of excuses and a lack of discipline, not just in fitness.

Part of maturing is doing hard or difficult or not as fun things not necessarily because you always want to, but because they've got to be done. You may not have a lot of pressure on you right now to apply yourself more fully, but if you don't you will wake up as a 30 something probably deeply unsatisfied with their life and then you'll have to choose to buck up and do the hard things or stay where you are.

I don't mean to be harsh, but it's the truth. Practice doing the hard things now and be uncomfortable so that by the time you're older, you'll be in a better place.

Just go to the gym every day. You don't even have to do anything. Just put your shoes on, put some gym clothes on, take a water bottle, headphones, whatever you want, and go there. And then leave if you want. Just showing up and getting in the habit of going will a) get you out of the house and get your brain moving through space and b) prime you for feeling able to go and actually work out.

Find a program to do. It doesn't matter what it is. (The fitness wiki is a good place to start) But have a plan. It can be intimidating walking into the gym and having no idea what to do. Most people in their are following a program and they're going through things methodically. If you do that, you can treat it like a checklist and think less about the other people. Look up all the exercises in the program on YouTube and learn how to do them. Practice moving your body in the exercise at home.
@daniel8778 that’s what my mom and dad also say 😭 but ye I know that’s true. The thing is I just have too much school work to do. I don’t go to school because I don’t understand anything anymore because I can’t focus in class and I am always sleepy. I tried fixing my sleep habits a lot of times but I just have such an irregular sleep schedule like some days I’ll sleep for only 5-6 hrs and the next day I could sleep for 10 hrs and this actually happens. I’m still a student so what I can do is quite limited and not to mention I do think I have an inferiority complex. I just hope that I can do something for myself. And partly the reason why I think I don’t mind the money is because it’s not mine. It’s my parent’s money. So I do feel guilty sometimes but most of the times my laziness just triumphs. And I’ve tried soo many times to get a detox of technology but I keep going back. I dunno if it’s cuz I’m a teen or it’s just normal. I tried to meditate but I end up falling asleep. I truly think I’m a lost case 😭
@alenharry Don't worry... what you feel is totally normal. You just havent found the right thing to do yet. While walking is definitely a great and easy way to start, if you feel it's too slow and are low on time, try smth more strenuous. Sprint for 50-100 m 10 times everyday. Or go cycling for 20 mins at top speed. Jump rope 1000 times. Or climb a flight of stairs till your exhausted.

I personally love exhausting cardio training. They're quick and the endorphins that kick in when your out of breath and sweaty really pull my mood up and help me feel motivated in other tasks. Keep switching things till you find smth that gives you this satisfaction and happy feeling. Dw, you've got this! :)
@sillyfool The thing is…. I don’t. I don’t have the will to go to school too since I’m lagging in my studies too and one of the main reasons I need to lose weight is because I’m too lazy and my mind is shut down so I can’t concentrate and can’t remember anything I’ve learnt at all. All I do is work hard but I never get the results because of my poor health. And I’ve visited about 10 doctors for my problem and all of them said that I have to lose weight and reduce the stress I am under. But the problem is I know that losing weight is the most important thing rn for my health and studies but that reason itself isn’t enough for me to get going and recently I went to the gym for 10 days and 5 days did exercise from home but I only reduced 1kg which seems weird because in 2021 when I attempted to lose weight I lost 7kgs in 2 months. Also I don’t like going to the gym because I feel uncomfortable when people look at me.
@alenharry Hey, on an aside, have you considered a therapist to help with the stress? Sometimes just having someone to talk to can help a lot in learning coping mechanisms for stress, which will allow you to sleep more and have more concentration and energy. Perhaps also finding a gym buddy might help you with motivation to go, just remember that the core part of weight loss comes from diet
@alenharry Perhaps it was just an incompatible therapist, which can happen. For the goal of losing weight, maybe try an app that will track your calorie intake! I saw one of your posts saying you eat mostly salads..dressings can have a lot more calories than most people think
@nzmusicmissions Oh I don’t use any salad dressings, I just use lemon and mint paste sometimes but I usually never use dressings but ye I’ll try out the calorie app. And see if I can ask my parents to help me with the therapist (that’s a huge problem cuz I’m Asian so my mom really didn’t believe I had depression but she agreed to the therapist nonetheless)