How to get going to the gym???

@alenharry I hear you man. I'm no expert in muscle training but I did lose a lot of weight (I'd say 10-15 kgs) when I was in school and the best advice I have for you is: eat less. Even if you feel your diet is good, if you are eating more calories than burning, you can't lose weight, it's that simple. Try tracking your calories and see where you are. But if it's too hard/complicated, I'd suggest trying to skip a meal a day and seeing if your okay with it. Do intermittent fasting and drink water if you feel the urge to eat. Personally, I've seen that drinking 1-2 liters of water whenever I feel the urge to eat keeps me satiated till the next meal.

I really hope this works out for you!
@evander I eat my breakfast at 7 am and then eat again in school at 9.30 am and have my lunch at 12.30 pm and come back home and have some fruit around 3.30 pm and eat dinner by 5.30-7 pm (I always make sure I eat before 7) but ye I’ll try to find out how to track my calories and try to eat less. Also thank you
@alenharry Hmm so you are fasting nearly 12 hours each day. That's great! But if youve stopped losing weight, do you think you could push this further? Maybe skip the breakfast or the 9.30 am meal at school and drink water instead?

(Do listen to you body though, it this doesn't suit you, don't push it)
@alenharry The only thing I do in the gym is lift weights...I run a full body program 2-3x per week which is all you need for a program like that. You don't have to go to the gym to exercise. Most of my exercise is physical outdoor recreation...I walk pretty much everyday. I ride my bike in the mornings a few days per week...maybe get out and do some mountain biking on the weekend...I play golf regularly or go to the driving range...I enjoy hiking, etc.
@alenharry Do what's "easy and laziest."

Don't go to the gym 6 times.

Go just once, make it a ritual, reward yourself for it. Then if you decide or 3 times would be better build up to that!

Make sure it feels relevant, know what inspires you, and know that going when you don't feel like it will strengthen your mind.

If you don't feel inspired at the gym, find something that does inspire you to get physical activity.
@alenharry If you have a guest pass bring a friend with you, it will automatically motivate you and make you feel more comfortable and more inspired to go if you know you got someone that will help you out
@alenharry You decide you want to and you do.

Why do you want to go to the gym?

To build muscle? Lose weight? Look better naked?

You don't necessarily need to go to the gym if you hate it that much.

There are plenty of other ways to get exercise in.
@alenharry Getting into a consistent gym routine can be tough. One thing that might help is Shilajit. It’s known to boost energy and motivation, which could make it easier to stick to your gym schedule. I’ve found it really helpful for staying on track. You can check it out on Biohacklabs. It might give you the extra push you need to hit the gym more regularly. Good luck!
@alenharry If you’re going 2-3 days, that’s already great compared to most people. What do you do at the gym? Do you find it fun? Try something new!
@alenharry Just started my fitness journey. I've never found an exercise I enjoyed enough to stick with and found the gym didn't work for me because I had no idea what I'm doing and there was no accountability. I've joined a 28 day fitness class, with 3 classes per week. As I type I am still in my gym gear while I regain feeling in my legs- it's good having people there to help you, and pre booked classes are forcing me to show up and properly work. I think this is what I need to kick-start or for me, maybe good for you too?
@xpertfinance Hmm a few people I know too recommended to me that going to group classes is more effective but I’m really really scared of people like it’s not a joke I absolutely hate and am soo uncomfortable knowing that people are looking at me. So I tried out a group class but I hated going to the gym more after that. I just dont understand what my problem is. Because I know I have to exercise some way or another but I dunno why I can’t bring myself to do that.
@alenharry I get it. I used to be the same, but mercifully therapy worked for me. I found going with my more outgping friend really helps me. But if thats too much- what about an online one? There's accountability for showing up, but in your own home? Loads of places did it through covid and I'm sure there will be some still doing it?
@xpertfinance Ye the online thing sounds good, I’ll give it a try. Also I don’t have friends 🥲 I just shifted into a new apartment which is near my school and there’s no one my age here so I’m alone 😂