How to get motivated to work out?

@nscr I am on week 3 of working out 3-4 times a week which is bloody awful tbh. So far I’ve found that focusing on the reasons I want to be fitter is helpful - when I’ve considered not bothering I think about wanting to be able to walk without being winded, wanting to be able to do active things without being put off by how I feel physically, and the knowledge that if I just keep turning up my fitness will improve.
@nscr Good luck! I have found it far more helpful than just wanting to be slimmer or fit into nice clothes etc. I am here dreaming about walking up a hill without sweating, damn it!
@southernwonder1 Literally🤣 I think going for the just wanting to be healthier overall approach will help more than ‘I want to be a size X’ because that’s what’s demotivated me in the past.
@nscr Awesome to know that you're excited about the fitness journey!

This is what worked out for me -
1. Check my BMI Free BMI calculator
2. Eat Healthy
3. Exercise daily for at least an hour
4. Sleep for 8+ hours
5. Join a fitness group (even if virtual) - this helped me to stay motivated
6. Add weight training, currently at 2 days a week

Feel free to ask me any questions.

We also have a like minded group of folks on our blog
We push each other and it has helped a lot :)

Reach out if needed.

Wishing you the very best for your workout journey!!
@nscr You don't lose weight at the gym, you lose weight in the kitchen. I am sorry to say , but you're crazy fat. Just start eating like a normal human being and you'll start losing weight very quickly. No need to go to the gym.
@jacoby I actually have a diagnosed eating disorder that I get help with, so no need to remind me that I’m crazy fat, I’m fully aware hence why I’m here. I’m already working with a dietitian, who has advised that as I wfh full time, i DO need to do more exercise; both for my mental health and my physical health. Your comment is unhelpful and judgemental. Hope you have the day you deserve🫶🏽