How to improve my cardio?

@kara1991 I would add 1 or 2 sessions of simple slow cardio as mentioned...I tried interval running:
The idea is to run 30s and Rest 30s. For 12 mins. Then increase the number of mins every odd session until you get it to 20min.
Once you did 20min at 30/30 split, go back to 12min but on 45/45 split. Work your way to 20 min. Then back to 12min on 1min/1min split.

Run at what you would consider a good pace and put some slope on the treadmill.. at least 8%.
For added difficulty, you can increase the slope at each interval.

If running is not your thing you can apply the same idea on any other torture device :)

Ps: as for the teammate getting annoyed, really really don't worry about it. That person is a twat that probably takes CrossFit too seriously...
@kara1991 We all gotta start somewhere, well done for starting. Try and get there 5/10 mins early and sit on a bike or rower at a low to moderate intensity (think 3-6 out of 10). Or alternatively, stay at the end for an extra 10 and just do a moderate ride or row (think 4-6 out of 10). Do it consistently and the little extras will start topping up. Well done, keep up the good work.
@kara1991 Soo when I started CF,I was pushing myself too hard ( just trying to keep up and then ended up vomiting after sessions). Soo then I decided to just reduce everything a bit. It they say 10 back squats I do 7 etc. I’ve been able to get through the workout (vomit free) and the last two weeks I’ve been doing that- I can feel myself actually getting better, stronger, a bit faster. I’m a few weeks, when they say 10, I’ll try 10 for the second and third, but still 7 one the first, fourth and fifth. Remember the coaches program for a certain fitness level. When you’re new- you’re just not there yet. So take it a bit easier to give your body a chance.

With partner workouts, there are usually people who don’t mind talking a softer day ( cause they still feel the pain of the day before), or remember when they started and will just encourage you. Just keep going. On the off days go for a walk or short jog- just to help keep your body moving. You will get there 💕
@kara1991 Firstly, good on you for doing something to fix your health.

Just keep showing up. To improve cardio it’s a lot easier to do CrossFit if you lose weight. Diet, a lot of walking would be good for you as well.

For the team workouts whenever I go with someone not at my lvl I just tend to do more, say if you did 30% of it next time or just look to scale it, it should be fine 👍

Most important thing is to just keep showing up though.
@kara1991 I was just talking to some friends from Crossfit about this tonight. All very seasoned athletes... they all said they aren't tripping and they are all deeply focused on their own stimulus when its their turn.

I agree with doing more cardio, but someting that reeeeeally helped me was learning how to breathe. In and outside of workouts.

There is nothing wrong with doing a slower burpee where you get some intentional breathing in. Find a good rhythm and TRUST IT.

Your coaches can help with a breathing rhythm for different movements and lifts.

Finally, practice breathing at home. 6 seconds in, 6 seconds out, HOLD for 6 seconds, repeat. I like to do it when I go to bed, it helps me sleep. The hold helps me practice getting through the "panic". This practice really helps me regulate my breathing during cardio. I really improved on the Assault Bike and Rowing from this.

In short, people are happy you are there, happy to be your partner, and happy to be working out. And if you do end up dealing with a poopie head, it's their problem, not yours.

Nice work, keep it up!
@kara1991 As a heavy older crossfitter (49M 125kg), you just have to keep grinding and like others have said, extra cardio. I do running sessions twice a week. Some short and fast, some long and grindy.

Also accept that you are not going to be able to keep up with the younger light bouncy people. On things like burpees at the moment. That is OK. If they get shitty, that is their problem, however other options for you might be to reduce the reps in a workout... If the workout have 10 burpees a round, them maybe you sub 6 instead... You are still getting your heart rate up. Until you get lighter and better.

Also you are probably stronger than some of the people who are fast on burpees... :)

Best of luck and enjoy the journey.
@kara1991 Hey if your in just a bog standard CrossFit class (not a competitive competition) your “teammates” shouldn’t be getting annoyed! They should be supportive and encouraging. If they ain’t then that’s a them problem! They can put in there maximum effort and leave class knowing they gave there everything. Leaderboards and scores/times isn’t the be all and end all. Community and a good workout is the goal surly?
@kara1991 At my first gym we did a lot of cardio intervals. This helped a lot. No EMOM or AMRAPS. Just hard word in to a moderate break in to hard work over and over. I'll try to write examples below:
6 times
500 meter row
400 meter run
12-18 burpees.
45 seconds rest or sit ups.

24 min:

800 meter run
100 double unders

Run 5k easy pace

18 min
Interval assault bike
1 min intense
1 min moderate
(You can do arms only every 4th set for example)

Row 5k easy

Run 5k easy pace

Go swimming

Go play basketball

Go to pound town
